Is a cabillac worth $ 1000 if it;has over 250,000 miles
3 Answers
Honestly any thing that cranks and drives is worth $1000 around here. And it's a bonus if it has been well maintained. In my opinion yes it is worth it.
cadafanatic answered 10 years ago
if the Cadillac is from 1982 to 1987 then its only worth what you can get at the wrecker $300 to $500,it all depends what it needs to be a driver
Johnny said it was a 1995 so why did you mention 1982 to 1987? Johnny- I'd pay a G any day for a maintained 1995 DeVille. Have someone that knows how to use the built in diagnosis centre in the car, that will give you current and history codes for problems it has and had.