5 Answers
Yes it can be replaced,but make sure it matches your ECM numbers,if numbers dont match it will have to be flashed to your car.
I replaced my ecm with macthing numbers and my car is still not fireing so Idk if that's true and I know the ecm is good
did you figure your cars problem out or get rid of car? if fixed...tell me what you had done...Thank You Carie,and have a Great Day...!~
...and once you have disconnected the ecu...Drive the car normal for a day or two...this will give your Computer time to readjust any changes that might have been some dash warning lights could come on and go soon off until Computer is all Happy again....Have these newer computerized cars I would trade any day for a 70's car with Points Plugs, ect....and extremely simple harness!~
My numer 4 clider wont firer