First of all the Honda passport is nice. Thought some things to know. Lifters like to stick and tick when running. Theres nothing wrong, you just may have noise. This usually happens when first start them up during the winter and when the oil needs to be changed. Look up the service bulliten for more detailed info and what to do. Parts and labor are also expensive. Next, the tire size depends on the model. You can find out the size by looking at sticker on the inside of the drivers door. I have also tried to find some all terrain tires for mine, but have been hard to find and expensive but i would keep looking. You can find a cold air intake every where online. The grill guard can be found on Ebay. ( For some reason thats only place i can find grill guards specifically made for it. Look up under isuzu rodeo grill guard. They run $250) And by the way so you know, your not buying a honda. Its actually a Isuzu Rodeo. Honda just put there name on it.