how do I change a catalytic convertor in a 1997 Honda Passport?
1 Answer
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
okay some of these are not cannot get them here or allowed to install them here...but as a mechanic have found some cheap solutions...they seem to lose sight that we are just changing the Deadly CO gas into CO2 and water vapor and nitrogen~ that's all....NO to MULTIPLE catalytic converters (are you people insane?) Not speciffically designed for the Passport, but with a little cutting and welding will be compliant~ q=1997+Honda+Passport%3F&oq=1997+Honda+Passport%3F&aqs=chr ome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF- 8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=1997+Honda+Passport+catalytic+converter& tbm=shop