2015 Ford Expedition XLT EL; Where & how can I find the 'External Temperature Display' so that I am able to view the outside temperature while driving the vehicle?
2015 Ford Expedition XLT EL; External
(Outside) Temperature Display location...
I've read the owner's manual and throughly
searched the internet to no avail. I need to
know where the external temperature
display is physically located/displayed
inside the vehicle. If anyone knowledgeable
on the topic would be willing to go as far as
to provide me with step-by-step (or very
detailed) instructions explaining how to
navigate through the process of finding and
setting the temperature display menu to
display the temperature, I would be very
grateful. From what I was able to gather,
according to the owner's manual, you can
select and set the vehicle display setting of
the temperature scale you prefer to use
(°Fahrenheit or °Celsius) through the
Instrument Cluster (or Information Display)
in the -> 'Main Menu (type 1)' and/or ->
'Main Menu (type 2)' (it's my understanding
of the owner's manual that both main
menus, type 1 and type 2, will lead you to
the temperature scale display setting
screen), next select the category ->
'Settings' and the option -> 'Display Set Up'
and then you can choose -> 'Temperature'
to set it to display in either °Fahrenheit or
°Celsius. After all that research, I still have
not been able to figure out where the
External Temperature Display is actually
located in the vehicle or how to get it to
display the outside temperature! My guess
would be that it's displayed above the
steering wheel, on the dash screen, (where
the odometer, gas milage, MPH and other
pertinent driver/vehicle information are
displayed) but I have no idea how to locate
or operate the menu that controls the
display, let alone, if that's even the correct
display location. HELP...