A "check fuel cap" message appears but no "check engine" message. What does this indicate?
Asked by magicman801 Nov 30, 2016 at 10:46 AM about the 2011 Honda CR-V EX-L AWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I had Honda dealer check and with no "check engine", they could not find any
codes to base any action on. They said to bring it back when I had a 'check
engine" indicator so they could read the code and figure out what to do. What
do I do now, as its been 2 months with "check fuel cap" message but no
"check engine" codes to check. Thanks Bob
21 Answers
nicecars12 answered 8 years ago
You may need a high pressue cap,so light will go off.get a new cap any way
magicman801 answered 8 years ago
I went to Autozone and got a new cap. I ran it for two weeks and nothing changed. The "check fuel cap" message continues to haunt me. Bob
My 2014 Honda CRV had the "Check fuel cap" message when it is really windy outside, I got fuel two days ago, have driven over 100 miles on the hwy, then today in windy conditions the message appears, I get home turn off car, do not touch fuel cap and message is gone next time I start my CRV, it's only when it's really windy outside
my light came on yesterday when it was really windy out and I never though about the wind causing it.... this problem needs to be fixed by honda.
My check fuel cap was on, now after a month it is gone but engine light is on
I seem to get the message when I hit a bad bump on the road. It's very annoying. I have a 2011.
This happened to me today as well and it was a very windy day in Anchorage Alaska. I hadn’t driven my car in two weeks so I’m thinking wind must have something to do with it. We disconnected and then reconnected the battery and it went away.
Tighten the cap and push the odometer button on the main instrument panel and it will go away.
traciebill answered 5 years ago
Today my wrench light flashed. Then the check gas cap displayed. I undid my cap and re-tightened it. It is still on. I read thru the manual and can't find anyplace to see what is going on. It is rainy today but I have never had this happen before. Guess I take it to the dealer ship
I wiped clean the male and females threads of gas cap, and that solved the problem.
I too have this issue. Took it to the dealership- spent $ on diagnostic. They said it was the fuel cap. I ordered a new one and it was installed. Drove away only to have the check fuel cap light to come on again. Took it back to have the canister vent shut off replaced. Drove it home and the check fuel cap light came on AGAIN! This has happened for years with this car. (2013) I am tired of spending $$ when I feel like they don’t really know the solution!! Anyone have a fix to this?
All of these answers are helpful!! I am a single female and at my wits end with this Honda. The Transmission went out at 9000 miles. It is a 2015 and I have had to replace the battery 3 times. I have a 100000 mile warrant on it but getting tired of the car. It has not been normal Honda reliability.
the tighten it and push the odometer worked.... for a while J
i own a 2010 crv lx i dont think the trim model matters much it seems to be a common issue across the board. also it doesnt matter the year either.. the issue just seems to be a bad sensor issue i dont know why honda would make a light that would pop on to make a person worry about their gas cap. Yes i get it this has to do with gas and would seem to cause an issue for concern for a lot of people! As a person that goes crazy when a light comes on the cluster ( dash lights ) i would like to know whats going on as well. I wouldnt worry to much about this light only because the check engine light also comes on for this type of issue as well for emissions, If the threading on the filler neck has corrosion on it buy sand paper that has light girt on it and clean it up. also check the gas cap itself and make sure the rubber gasket isnt chewed up if it is buy a new cap, if not get some vasoline and apply that dont just gob it on just a little will go a long way. if all these dont seem to do the trick go to your local garage and have them use their high end scan tool dont rush out and hit the honda dealer they charge a decent amount just for diagnostics. also when you go to your local shop ask how much they charge for diagnostics most places wont charge for an easy check up! if the check engine light is on have it checked out for sure if its just the wrench dont worry to much and panic! im a mechanic and have a huge passion for hondas i think they make a great car! also stay away from the automatic transmissions hondas they tend to have more issues! good luck everyone!
My gas cap warning message kept coming on, replaced gas cap a few times, still issues. Then engine light started coming on. Turned out to be a bad evap purge canister.
I have a “Check Fuel Cap” warning coming across my dash on 07 Honda CRV. I have replaced my fuel cap, vent pressure.sensor parts, and installed new canister vent shut off parts but no success in stopping the message on the dash. Warning seems to come on after driving 20-30 miles each time. No codes detected to direct the Honda service attendant to the problem. Why Honda has set this up this way is a mystery. The mechanic is simply shooting in the dark for a solution and I am paying for no solution. Anyone know how to fix this nagging problem?
MDX 2009 , that light showed up here and there first several years ago. As car aged turned permanent . First fix was evap purge canister.Fixed it for a year or so. Vaseline tricks and repeated tightening of gas cup a lot or just a bit helped here and there but now light is back. Replaced second evap purge canister. First one helped , this one nothing. On different forums and here it is suggested there is a leak in the system . I will attempt to replace all rubber lines i can fallow and get to , see if that helps. Did not use sand paper on fuel cap treads yet , cleaned with towel and brake fluid only . Car has 260 000 km , it is first major "I can't fix this" issue. I guess that is not bad for millage. I own the car since new. I will keep looking for solution. I will also try smoke test , see if that will easily point to leaking part. My 2002 accord has "check engine" on . 290 000 on that car . It has something to do with fuel pump or canister at fuel pump minor leak . I am ignoring it for last 90000 km . I am curies if that design fault made its way to newer models.
It happened to me too. It is because the EVAP purge valve is going bad. I changed mine after months and it went away. It was 40 bucks at autozone and took me about 20 minutes to change. Its pretty easy to change.
I fought this issue for a year. I initially replaced the gas cap. That was followed by multiple trips to the shop as the problem was intermittent. The shop could see the code but when they cleared it it didn't immediately come back (it usually too a week or so). I took it to a Honda Dealer but they didn't see a code so they wouldn't run a smoke test and offered no help in how to diagnose the intermittent issue. Finally I saw here where someone replaced the EVAP purge valve and it fixed the issue. I bought one from Autozone ($50) and put it in myself (a bitch without the right tools or really small hands). It has been 3 weeks now and driving in a variety of conditions and I have not seen the message again so (knock on wood) hopefully it is fixed.
Guru9L8DBN answered 3 years ago
I think the light indicates your fuel cap is loose or missing. Don't forget to check if the cap has gone bad and so does the seal. Tightening the cap or replacing it with a new one can solve the problem. https://www.obdadvisor.com/honda-crv-check-fuel-cap-light/
Guru9SSV2B answered 3 years ago
Remove the bug from on top of the hole in the rubber gasket below the filler.