the a/c blower stop working in my bmw 325i, how i fix that


Asked by ramdrmike71 Jul 24, 2012 at 08:05 PM about the 1994 BMW 3 Series 325i Sedan RWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

shomwe how to fix that

17 Answers


Would need more information to help with this issue. Do you mean you blower fan has stopped working or only works on one speed? Or does it no longer blow cold air with the blower is working normally?

18 people found this helpful.

well the blower fan was working in one speed and was in the number 3, but now the blower fan just stop working.

16 people found this helpful.

In the E30's, dirty resistors in the firewall were the culprits. Cleaning them with electrical parts cleaner, the non- flammable version, usually did the trick. As for the E36, similar parts may have been used. It's worth a try.

4 people found this helpful.

use direct current to test the blower and if it does not work, replace it. If it works you'll need to check the rest of the system.

7 people found this helpful.

Michael is correct you have a problem with you blower motor resistor. You will need to replace this in order to get you blower fan running agian on all speeds. You will need to take down the drivers kick panel and knee bolster. It will be towards the bulk head on the heater box. If you can't find it go to they have a DIY instructions on how to replace it. You may still have to replace your blower motor but I would start with this first. Good luck and hope this helps.

8 people found this helpful.

could you tell me where the fan motor is located, and how to access the connections to test it ? thanks

14 people found this helpful.

we found the resistor plug, and have current to all 4 prongs, i assume are the 4 speeds to the fan, but without knowing, cannot find an access point, to test the fan blower, thanks again

2 people found this helpful.

The blower doesn't have 4 speed. The resistance makes the variable speeds. If yours is a digital a/c of course. The blower is under the right side of the dash, you will have to take some cover or the glove box to acces it. You will notice the shape of the motor when you see the a/c box.

4 people found this helpful.

we found the fan blower motor, and tested it, sadly, it has to be replaced. Thanks for your time, and suggestion !

1 people found this helpful.

Step 1: Insert 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 0.93% other gases into the passenger side, rear tire. Step 2: Please ensure the fuel lid cover is properly secured in its intended locking position. Step 3: Take a seat in the driver side seating position. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Having a seat in ANY other location is not only dangerous to yourself, but also to others on the highway. Step 4: Place the vehicles ignition actuating device into the ignition located (on the steering column) or on the dash/instrument panel. This will be marked as such. Step 5: Ensure the gear selector lever is in the "P" Park position. If standard transmission is your choice, please ensure the gear selector lever is in the "N" Neutral position. Step 6: Depress the brake pedal, and clutch if applicable, and start the vehicle. Step 7: With your foot applied to the brake, select the desired gear selector lever position, usually D, or 1, and ease off of the brake pedal. Step 8: STOMP on the accelerator, and with your free hand, roll down all windows to experience the full effect of atmospheric Air Conditioning. This concludes your instructions for repairing the BMW AC. Thank you.

8 people found this helpful.

our 2003 bmw 325i the a/c when cut on would make a whistle sound then quit got in it the next morning nothing work heat or a/c what could this be ??

5 people found this helpful.

I have a bmw e46 320i year 2000 model and my ac blower motor doesnt work i changed the resistor and it did not make a deferance then i tested a controle unit and still nothing could annyone help me with guide lines plz....

5 people found this helpful.

I have the same problem. I’ve replaced the final stage resistor and the fan blower motor and checked all the fuses; it still only works on lowest speed. Could the a/c fan belt effect that. The a/c has cold air.

2 people found this helpful.

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