put snow tires on front of cobalt?
3 Answers
I personally would run 4 of the same brand and size snow tires, only two on the front will give you some handling issues.
Two on the front is better than nothing but 4 is mucho better.
Front wheel drive cars are typically very light in the rear end. If you only want to put on two snow tires they are better on the back. The engine weight will give you adequate traction in front in most conditions and the additional traction of the snow tires at the rear will make the car far less likely to try to swap ends unexpectedly in slippery conditions. Two or 3 sand bags in the trunk for winter driving is a good idea too. Situate them directly over the rear axle area of the car as possible. Of course, as has already been mentioned four snow tires makes a lot more sense than just two.