What is obvious is there is a wire somewhere shorting out. Where does the fuse that blows go to? That is the circuit to start at. The power coming into the fuse is good, so after the fuse, trace the wires and the connections the circuit hooks up to. Make sure there are no worn or frayed wires. Connections good and tight and clean? You said it will not start after the fuse blows? It is connected to the starter relay or to the computer module? Putting in a larger fuse, in electrician's phrase, your giving it the smoke test. (by pass the fuse and what is shorting out will burn and just follow the smoke) So be careful putting a larger fuse in. Fuses are an insurance policy that the car will not catch on fire or damage an expensive bit of equipment. A length of wire costs at the most 5 bucks, or even a wiring harness is $100. But replacing a smoldering car, is expensive. Let us know what the fuse is connected to.
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