Asked by Thomarr Dec 30, 2013 at 07:50 PM about the 2007 Pontiac Torrent Base
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My 2007 Pontiac Torrent overheated . The coolant level was low.Service replaced the rad, which they indicated had a potential to fail, and also replaced the thermostat. The car ran for about a day and the same problem occurred. What else could be the problem.
I have checked the internet for other reported problems which are similar to mine, and found some overheating problems with the 2006 but not the 2007.
I assume that the mechanic would have also checked the water pump.
7 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
of course...the weep hole on the waterpump~ https://www.google.com/#q=2007+Pontiac+Torrent+water+pump&spell=1
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
Gopherville answered 10 years ago
My 2009 did the same thing. After taking it in twice the mechanic told me it had to do with a sensor by the blockheater. With the new blockheater cords with built in thermostats the temperature sensor is near the engine. Therefore when you plug in your vehicle on a cold day the blockheater starts up right away even though the engine is not cold yet. This shouldn't really be a problem as older vehicles would be plugged in before their engines were cool too, but apparently it screws up the sensor making the vehicle's system think the engine is overheating. The mechanics reset the electronics system and I haven't had the problem since (knock on wood). It could be all hooey but that was my experience with it.
I just went through the same thing with my 2008 Torrent. To make a long story short, I was having issues with not getting heat in the cabin, overheating, and sometimes a loss of coolant. I tried replacing the thermostat, replacing the water pump, and flushing the heater core. All helped temporarily, but the problems kept coming back. My fear was that it was a leak in the head gasket, but it was hard to diagnose. So I got a combustion leak test kit for about $50. They are very easy to use - just follow the instructions. The test confirmed that there were combustion gasses in the coolant, which is a tell-tale sign that there is a leak in the head gasket. I would suggest getting one of those kits before putting money into other repairs.
I had the same problem w my 2008. Needed to reset the system as well
My 2009 Add the exact same problems And had a bed head gasket
I know this is an old post but my response may be helpful to future use. My 2007 Pontiac Torrent was having an overheating issue. A mechanic replaced the water pump, thermostat & radiator. Still overheated. The he told me it’s most likely a head gasket. It showed no signs of a head gasket issue. So on advice from an old schooler I changed the coolant reservoir tank cap. Turns out it was faulty and hid a leak beneath the tank. Replaced the tank and haven’t had an issue since with overheating. $64.59 fix in the end.