The following lights came on all at once: ABS, Brake light, ESP, BAS and traction control. Any idea why?
11 Answers
Auto_Centric answered 8 years ago
Scan it for codes expect U1417 or the like...1418 WSS DTC codes if possible confirm the speed sensors in real time live data stream. Check all the connectors visually I'm totally guessing But this only takes 10 minutes to locate the cause when the vehicle is present.
I had those lights come on on my 2009 dodge charger former police car .I ordered a diagnostic tool and when I received it it showed my right rear vehicle speed sensor circuit was defective .As there were no frayed wires or visible damage I replaced the right rear abs sensor and did both rear brake pads at same time.The sensor had a single style plug on it looked like it was half the plug needed for the through floor electrical connection turns out it is but the apparently double style plug is separable and works just fine.After finishing the under car work I proceeded to start the vehicle and at that point all the warning lights were on ,the check engine light the brake failure light and the mr.squiggles ,abs lights.I used the diagnostic tool to reset the abs sensor fault turning off the abs esp lights ,then did an engine computer diagnostic received an 0501 code telling me it had a problem with reading the rear sensors (turns out if you disconnect the plugs for the vehicle speed sensors they are continuously monitored and will throw a code for it )So the engine computer needs to be reset and now it is fine!
How did you rest the engine computer on your 09 charger
dodgelawenforcement answered 6 years ago
Had this exact problem on my 2010 dodge challenger and could not drive over 50 all the way home just for the fear of messing something up. After digging around found my speed sensor was bad. So common and such a quick repair.
I'm having a similar issue and diagnostic keeps telling me that my abs controller module is bad. And then I have one that says lost connection with speed sensor. All the abs lights come on. Check engine light. And then the car wont start. I have to clear the codes and wait then itll start and tun fine. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
I hace exactly the same problem and at the sabe time ac compressor stop working
Jockv6charger answered 5 years ago
Turn key back forth three times acc off acc off acc off then the problem codes will appear on dash lights :)
Jockv6charger answered 5 years ago
Turn key on off acc three times and the problem codes will appear on the dashboard
Webbfamily answered 5 years ago
Can anyone help me I have a 2007 Dodge charger 3.5 and I have the lighting bolt and tracksoncontrol light come on at the same time. Run ruff then we can shut it off it goes back to normal. Any ideas. I have changed the throttle body that I bought at a salvage yard
Check the tire rods inner and out , maybe tire rod