94 s10 4.3
Asked by mike_stewart Nov 27, 2014 at 12:38 AM about the 1994 Chevrolet S-10 LS Extended Cab RWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
i have a 94 s10 4.3 and when it runs about 20 min the top radiator hose builds up alot of pressure and get so hot u can barely touch it, i put new thermostat and water pump on it but it still does the same thing. any other ideas what it could be?
7 Answers
migration_cowdough answered 10 years ago
or radiator is stopped up. or heater.core. also make sure thermostat isnt upside down. ive had more.than a couple thermostats bad outta the box. oh and u have to burp system of air after thermostat change
mike_stewart answered 10 years ago
my heat was working before but its not now, and i jus had to change freeze out plug too. how do i burp the air out?
mike_stewart answered 10 years ago
and also the whole radiator is cool except the side where the top hose runs into it.
migration_cowdough answered 10 years ago
sounds like thermostat man. change it and pay attention to how its in there. it goes cone side up. spring down. and you see in the pic. this one has a tiny little flapper thing. it has to be positioned right if yours has one. i doubt it does but it may be bad brand new. test it in a pot of boiling water.
migration_cowdough answered 10 years ago
oh and when youre done and you put it all back together leave radiator cap off and fill radiator. let it sit and run..with the heater on. air bubbles will start coming out then water will come out. keep an eye on temp. gauge and wait on the thermostat to open. it should be obvious. water level will drop quite a bit. fill with water again if needed til full. no bubbles no air. heat should get warm too.
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