Bad ground
3 Answers
Note the diagram for fuel gage, it shows more than one sending unit, so pick yours. As you can see, 250 ohms is full and 40 ohms is empty. At least that's the way I read it. You can get a couple resistors representing those values or close to it. You can splice resistor between proper wire colors, turn on the key, If the gage reads properly with each resistor, the problem is the sending unit in gas tank. If the gage still doesn't read properly, I believe either the instrument cluster or wiring circuit is faulty. The fuel gage sending unit sends info to pcm, the pcm sends serial data to instrument cluster, tells cluster what to do with fuel gage. Some makes and models, the instrument cluster may do a self test when you first turn on the key, the gage needles sweeps a little. They will sweep w/o input from sending units. So if all gages sweep except fuel gage, I think the instrument cluster is faulty. Just my opinion. Have I ever been wrong, yes. good luck
Just to add, if vehicle starts and runs, I don't believe pump/sending unit has a ground problem?
2002 north face edition cranks for half a second then shuts off could it be water in the gaz or the ground in the far right cavity of the engine ?