Van Overheating and blowing cold air out of air con ??
2 Answers
yes, I know what is causing this- you are driving a "machine" and they tend to wear and "break" after awhile- now, you could take it to a "mechanic" who will explain that the air conditioner SHOULD blow out cold air- and will also take the time to explain why you should get that overheating problem looked at before you blow your engine up-
Karly I dont know where do you leave, my engish is bad, I am from Cuba and here we have a few amount of Doblo, If you want I think you should see a mechanic, I am almost sure that the problem is in the radiator, you can change or clean it inside, the air cond does not has to be with this problem,for that reason it is ok. the technician muet check engine time, if it is not correct the car overheat, but I think your problem may be the radiator.Why dont you try to check it,Doblo is a great car, I prffer always Fiat.Good look my friend, type me if tou need another opinion.