do all 318 dodge engines have same piston arrangments
i have a 1972 318 dodge motor and i want to know if all have same piston location/arragment
4 Answers
When you say "piston location/arragment," are you referring to the firing order? 318's had the same firing order throughout it's run AFAIK, excluding the marine reverse rotation version.
southlandconst answered 8 years ago
is number one cilider front driverside?
1 people found this helpful.
Yes, all the images I'm seeing on the web for the 318 seems to jibe with the shop manual i have. So #1 is the front left (aka driver's side). Left side firing order from the front is 1, 3, 5, 7, and right side from the front is 2, 4, 6, 8.