Why does your site suck so much?


Asked by CAG0001 Jan 01, 2016 at 09:28 PM

Question type: General

Why does your site suck so much? It disregards filters on the searches. You
need to fix your software or go away.

11 Answers

It works for me. Sounds like operator error!

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Works fine for me too. Sometimes when filters are ignored, means that feature is not available and you jump to conclusions that it's anybody's fault but yours.

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Filters ahould never be "unavailable"... Thst is just making excuses for a substandard site. Also not being able to zoom in on the tiny text shows lack of concern for users. Even in this answer box you cant do it. Also sending site update emails at 3am isn't smart either. The site has good points, but these issues hamper quick searches and make finding a car that much more difficult.

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You can zoom in. You just don't know how. It's easy.

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The site works well, I seem to have no problems....

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Your computer only does what you tell it to do. It is only as smart as the operator, I say this because I am no wizz on a computer, no schooling, and have a difficult time at times, but always figure it out.

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Hummm, you can't zoom in even on this answer box? How about hold the control key and press the "+" sign for zoom in and the "-" sign for zooming out. No, this site is not perfect, but there are some great people here giving free good advice. Also I have personally done some car searched and have had no issues with them. My advise to you "CAG001" is to learn to utilize what this site has to offer or move on. Trashing the site in the question and answer forum serves no useful purpose. Perhaps advising the owner of this forum of all its imperfections would be best. The"Contact Us" link button is at the bottom of the page (closest to your desk or lap, which ever may apply) use it if you can find it.

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Yeahhhhh no, you’re exactly right. “The filters sometimes are ignored”. Which is probably the most important part, isn’t working on the app of website.

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And it only gets worse somehow.Get real Cart Gurus.What’s the use of saving cars in your search when it won’t save them all up afterward – so ridiculous and stupid

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