how do i delete saved searches
how do i delete saved searches?
7 Answers
MrBlueOval answered 11 years ago
Go into your account (located at the righthand top of page) and click on it. Then go to your "settings" then scroll down to bottom of page until you see your searches. Clicking on that specific search will delete it. Good Luck, Kenny/MrBlueOval
Great answer--but that is for managing a subscription (email alerts about a specific car). If you would like to eliminate a saved search that appears on your search bar, you should click on the orange "Feedback" button and let CarGurus know which one to get rid of. Hope this helps!
HERE IS HOW ! - Egads, could CG have made this more difficult and hard to find?!?!?!? Doesn't work when you are on mobile...sorry. Go to one of the saved searches, after it has ran, up in the top right of the search, where you can delete criteria, you can see a place where it can be deleted.
Yes, that is way too hard to find. Please put a nice red button that says "Delete Search" right below the one that says Save Search. Simple and easy to find!
There is no x to click or delete button on the main website. The only way I have found to do it, is to find the original listing again, and then click unsaved. When I did that and then went back to my saved listings that car was gone. Kind of a pain, but it works.
How in the world is someone getting paid to maintain this site? Looks like Car Guru's needs a "Web guru" to create a delete search option
Yes, clearing unwanted chaff on this site is a pain in the ass.. Why NOT make your site ready to clear??