what is the best first car for a college student

Asked by Tameka Dec 20, 2020 at 11:36 AM

Question type: General

I want to buy my own car but I don't know what kind to get or what I should be
looking for. I've heard to look for cars that are smaller and don't need as much
gas and I'm also not trying to pay over $6,000 for my first car. And I don't want
an ugly car either

3 Answers


Toyota is a good buy. So is Nissan or Honda. On the domestic side Ford is a good buy. Stay away from GM and Chrysler Products! But if you like trucks an older model Chevy S10 is a good buy with the 4 cylinder engine. My 2003 S10 is getting ready to hit 298,000 miles and is still very dependable. I bought that truck as a second vehicle 10 years ago with 246,000 miles on it for $300. It's never left me stranded and I haven't had to put a ton of money into it to keep it going! Hope that helps! Jim

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Take a look under the vehicle for rust & rot around suspension pivots , a better condition indicator than mileage , the foreign cars can go 100,000's miles .

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