can i turn off the (ASR) system ?
1 Answer
racecar785 answered 9 years ago
Mostly this problem appends on winter time. I f you take your car to the dealership you could throw your money away like many people did and the problem still not solve. I fixed mine definitely by myself and you could do it too. 1- Open the hood, Jack the vehicle. On both front tires you will see a cable that looks like a Rca jack that connect to the brakes but it's bigger than RCA jack. 2- Follow that RCA cable to the hood and on the other end tou will see 2 small white wires that bring power to ASR and ABS system cut those 2 wires and you automatically disable the ASR and you solve the problem. As you know the ASR system is good for snow, it's like a 4 by 4 and you will need it later to drive safely in bad weather when there is snow. What to do next. After cutting the 2 small wires, I put 2 swiches in case I need the ASR in bad weather.One swich for ASR and the other one for ABS. when you cut one wire you connect both ends to the swich and you do the same for the second wire that you cut. The only one thing you will see is the ASR and ABS light will turn on on the dash. When driving in bad weather, open the hood and turn on the swich.