Problem with Clearing Codes for Emission Test

Asked by Elantra_308 May 03, 2012 at 10:10 AM about the 1998 Volvo V70

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I own a 1998 Volvo turbo wagon (V70 GLT). I love it. I love driving it-the way it handles and feels a part
of me. But our love affair may be ending. It's got 120k on it, and it's getting expensive to repair. We
bought it used a few years ago with 68k on it. Mostly suburban, some highway driving. Thing is, I
cannot clear these codes (I know nothing about cars, btw). 2 years ago, the code was an oxygen
sensor-replaced ($$) and passed emissions, no problem. Now this year, it's Evap codes--it was a major
leak; repaired, only to have the timing belt need to be replaced, immediately followed by the mass air  
filter/sensor failing; got that replaced. Now instead of 3 codes, there are 5 incomplete. I am not sure
what they are (sorry). Mechanic says to drive around on the highway etc and come back. I do so, only to
have no change. So, finally my question: the ABS light has been going on and off, although the brakes
(which have been replaced about 2 years ago) work fine. I read somewhere online that the ABS being
wonky might interfere with these mysterious codes. What should I do? Have the ABS looked at/replaced?
I'm not made of money over here... I want to keep this car--for what I use it for, it's perfect and I can't
afford a car note at present. But this is getting expensive... Help!

4 Answers


Eleanor, I have a 2001 V70 wagon (5-speed) with 203,000 miles on it. The timing belt is regular maintenance (every 90,000 miles). the other stuff is stuff that wears out over time. You might want to have another mechanic look at it and assess how the everything else in the car is holding up (e.g., a compression test). If the rest of the car is holding up, replace that stuff that is wearing out and have it maintained more often which can catch these sorts of wearing-out parts while maintenance is being done so you can save money in labor costs. My mechanic keeps a running list of stuff that my car needs, but I don't have the money to pay for. Little by little everything is getting taken care of.

Don't despair! My ;98 has 330K, and it takes some tlc, as do we all. First, a good creative mechanic, then access to rebuilt, or used Volvo parts. A wrecked V70 still may have a good ABS module. I got mine for 75. I'm sweating out a/c issues now! Good luck


Hi l have a fault code 331 s40 98 please help me

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