Car stalls out when it idles or not givin gas


Asked by Aholloway757 Jul 30, 2017 at 02:31 PM about the 2006 Hyundai Sonata

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

ometimes it runs ok, but mostly its stalling out
when i get to speed and coast, come to a stop, and
when im not pressing the gas at all. Im hovering
around the mass airflow sensor, or that my purge
valve is messing up or something is wrong with my
EVAP system. Its a 2006 hyundai sonata 2.4, 4
cylinder any input helps alot

16 Answers


Change fuel filter, could be plugged with dirt. Check fuel pressure on fuel line, could be the pump.

8 people found this helpful.

Well it wasnt the pump or filter, now its not wanting to accelerate when hitting the gas or not wanting to start at all sometimes. It will run fine for a little bit than starts stalling out again everytime i let go of the gas.

12 people found this helpful.

try taking off the gas cap, could be the cap is shot and causing a vacuum in the tank. You might be on the right track about theentire fuel delivery system. If you want to google the car and see if any one has had a problem simular

2 people found this helpful.

try taking off the gas cap, could be the cap is shot and causing a vacuum in the tank. You might be on the right track about the entire fuel delivery system. If you want to google the car and see if any one has had a problem similar. Regards, BILL GROVER

7 people found this helpful.

Oh my gosh! I have a 2018 Hyundai Sonata L - only 7 months old, 2,150 miles, which is doing the same thing! Hyundai service told me to take it off Eco Mode and put it in Comfort Mode and it's even worse ! It is dangerous to drive and I'm taking it in next week. If they can't fix it, I'm cutting my losses and trading it in for another Toyota- never had trouble with them. Never had such a Lemon.

18 people found this helpful.

brandywinelady you better return that car asap. i bought a brand new 2015 until this day hyundai cannot figured out what wrong with it. this car become my worse nightmare.and its getting worse averyday. imagine i only had less than 6k miles on the car when it started acting up, now they refused to fix my car.

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i was just here just to see if someone had it figured out.

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The Hyundai dealership apologized for the service person who told me, "Actually that's the way it's supposed to work". They offered to have the manager and service manager ride with me to understand what's going on. I told them thank you, but no, because I never know when it's going to happen. The service manager explained to me that cars no longer work on direct mechanical action - i.e. foot on accelerator pedal goes directly to gas. Now it signals a computer to make it accelerate. Same with the brake. Sometimes when you brake and then accelerate the computer gets "confused" for a few seconds. (Can I have my parents '57 Chevy back with the funky carburetor?)They gave it the first service (2,000 miles) with a free oil change. That was 2 weeks ago and it's been fine. Thanks for asking.

6 people found this helpful.

Same is happening to my 2015 Sonata. Took it to Service to get the recall done, and bam, engine light on, and it stalls and won't accelerate. Not sure what to do, scared to drive it, especially on Freeways or with the baby... DId any of you guys find a solution? Can they uninstall the recall software update?

10 people found this helpful.

I have a 2006 hyundai sonata 3.3 v.6 when I put it in drive it jakes and when I come to a stop it still be trying to go.if I hold down the brake while setting at the light it make a rattle nose until I pull off wat is that

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Ok just wanted to put this out there i work for ultratune in australia we had a i45 close to a american sonata 2.4l 2011 model the car had a stall issue with a really bad service history 30k services so we serviced it cleaned throttle to no avail kept throwing p0017 codes and camshaft timing codes when it stalled, we could start it with foot down on the acc pedal but would stall when dropped to an idle we then disconnected the o2 sensor pre cat and it ran fine idle and no more codes replaced the sensor and everything ran well so if having a few issues with the idle try disconnecting the o2 and see if it runs better it stalled first start after disconection but ran well the 2nd start, just noticeing no one had put a fix up so couldnt hurt this was the issue on this one.sorry for bad spelling and grammer.

23 people found this helpful.

I had this problem. I’ve replaced the battery wires and plugs, mass flow sensor, fuel pump and filter, coil packs, unplugged the mass flow sensor and the problem stopped so evidently there is an massive flow sensor issue causing them to malfunction. But it works fine that I’ve unplugged it....... I know this solution will not conclude for long term use

5 people found this helpful.

I am now having the exact issue as a Holloway757 originally mentioned. Has anyone found a solution and how much was the solution.

2 people found this helpful.

FINALLY ! 2018 Hyundai Sonata Hesitation / Stalling problem found and corrected!!!! After owning my beautiful 2018 Hyundai Sonata for 2 years and finding no answer, I was just about ready to turn it in for a 2019 Toyota. But Hyundai Corporate finally got on the ball. There have been 2 recalls on my car. The second one did it!!!! 1) Service Campaign 953 : CM & CLUSTER UPDATE-ENGINE MONITORING LOGIC PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT and 2) Campaign T3B- 80CA07R0- 2.4 TCU UPDATE It's a transmission code. Even exiting the dealer parking lot I thought I was driving a different car. Recalls are free. Soooo happy! :-)

12 people found this helpful.

I have a 2008 Sonota that is stalling. Acts like it isn't getting fuel.

3 people found this helpful.

Does anyone have an answer/fix for this? Having this issue with my 2006 Hyundai v6 3.3l ran fine but had to let it sit for about a year due to other mechanical issues I couldn’t fix until now.

2 people found this helpful.

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