Why did my check engine light,and my traction control light come on, and my VSC light is flashing?
63 Answers
Your Corolla coded something. Could just be to rich fuel mixture but you need to reset the codes. I suggest taking it a Toyota dealership.
did you take it in? What did they say? My 09 corolla s started doing this two days ago.
No I didn't take it in. My husband just reset the codes on it. You can go to an auto parts store and they will reset it for you.
So my 09 had the same thing happen. Dealership said I need a ECU.
Just had this happen to My 2012 corolla sport fixed without buying anything. Its the MAS sensor ( mass airflow sensor) on the intake manifold unhook the sensor blow it out plug it back in also clean air filter bang it a few times then turn on and off ignition 3 times at least to reset computer. Then it shuts right off.
johnisthenam3 answered 8 years ago
Mass airflow has nothing to do with traction control. Also ecu is main computer,Rare problem and expensive. Reading engine code with a scanner will give you a clue what problems you have. I believe autozone will check your engine light free. Not all parts stores do. (Goodyear employee).
I did some work on a truck and the guy said a week later the trction control light came on and he took to dealer, they told him the hose on the air intake was not all the way on and hose clamp was loose and charged him 125.00. I raised hood and the air intake hose was on good but clamp was still loose. 1) MAF may have something to do with it otherwise they would not have blaimed the light on that. 2) why was the hose clamp still loose? But he called me today and said light is on again that is why I'm on here trying to find causes.
You left your gas cap off. Make sure it's on properly and reset the dash lights by disconnecting the positive battery terminal for 20 sec. I just had the same thing happen on my Corolla. You can also have a tech reset it, so you don't lose your presets/radio settings. The plus to having a tech reset is that you may catch other problems lurking in the background. Just be sure to tell him you left the gas cap off/didn't reinstall in properly.
My 09 is doing the same thing. It seems like the light always goes off when the engine is cooled down.
Was the GAS cap tight mine wasn't
You should check your o2 sensor car takes power to save the engine it's still accommodating for the lack of air or more gas
Mi Corolla es 2012. 50000 millas. Track off y check engine encendidos. Lo logrò solucionar? prendió las luces lo escanee me dicen q es el sensor de oxigeno lo cambie y sigue con las luces prendidas es un corolla 2012 importado
My 2009 Corolla has been doing this on and off, more so lately then not. When it happens I almost feel like a tug or like the car isn’t accelerating as well. It’s usually just a few seconds. I have read also that it’s air or something in the gas tank and it’s setting off a sensor? I haven’t really gotten any answers or any that seemed to be the right one. Anymore suggestions?
2007 Toyota Corolla 65,000 original miles. Original owner. All the same 3 warning lights came on the same time also. The automotive shop reset the computer. I have driven about 400 miles the lights have not come back on. Not sure what to think. I have been quoted about $2000 worth of work. YIKES!!!!
Make sure Your gas cap is on tight.
Same problem on 2013 Corolla. Tightened gas cap, removed positive battery terminal for 30 seconds, reconnected and voila. fixed. Thanks folks.
《GuruYJQQ》 Did you have both the Trac Off and Check Engine lights on? Or just the Check Engine? My 2015 Corolla is just doing that. It has both the Trac Off and Check Engine Light. I'll double check brake lights like indicated by 《Corollaguy》. I got a tire replaced earlier today after hitting a pot hole. 《AK》 Did the lights ever came back on your car?
My engine lights and trac off lights just turned on as well. (AK) not sure what to do. 2015 Corolla
I recently got a toyota 2016 sport, I have had it for two weeks. The engine light and trac off light came on. Took it to the Toyota dealership and the mechanic said it was Expansion Valve Failure. So they ordered the part and they will work on it. (Note: The lights came on after I put gas in it)
Hey Maribel, couple of questions: are you covered by warranty? is there any loss of engine power? is car running normal? Please note Trac Off light will show due to oxigen mix issues (no relation with traction control but that is the way they show this). I got the same issue (Corolla 2015, 67000miles) after putting some gas. Check codes: P0171 System Too Lean Bank 1. This means oxigen sensor on bank 1 detected and issue. Next time I filled up the gas tank, I made sure cap was tighten. Code was gone. If you are paying for the repair and car is running normal, I would suggest to cancel the parts order for now. First make sure fuel cap is tight or just go ahead and fill up the gas tank and make sure you tight the cap. Trac off warning will go away after some driving (wait at least a full day). Let us know how it went.
Thank you for the tips! Yes, I do have warranty on it. They have installed the part. I have put gas in my car, hopefully the problem doesn't persist.
when my wife's engine light came on 2010 corolla. Gas cap. It went off after reset cap? I think i reset it after reading OM. It did go off, it was about 2 years ago, i had no special tool & did not disconnect battery. Anyway the other 2 lights did not come on. You can get HH OBD Advanced fault scanner on Amazon $10 to check out what's wrong&reset codes, it links to phone according to watched video by TAMPATEC on Youtube? 3 ways to reset Amazon has for Bluetooth through car & Android, read to make sure you get the correct 1.
Cruzanrx2k answered 6 years ago
Had the same (check engine- track cntl off) came one the next morning after replacing the air filter and putting fuel inj cleaner into tank and filling up before drive from MD to myrtle beach....come on around mile 200. Car is running fine.I read up on all these suggestions because I read the code and it gave me a whole other reason...I drove it after resetting it to work....no error (70 miles) but came on , on my way home...
Cruzanrx2k, I'm wondering how it is now? I have a 2012 carolla sport and ever since I bought it at 32k miles, almost every time I go on a longer than an hour drive somewhere, the chk engine and trac lights come on. Doesnt drive at all different. (Btw, I read that the trac light comes on automatically when the chk engine light does because that feature disables with any engine issue sensed) Dealership found no reason and light fo off after enough regular cycles. Now I want to sell my car and wish I didn't have this concern. Anyone have solutions
Just got this problem on my 2013 Corolla. Dealership says it's the O2 sensor. Not cheap. On the plus side, the ridiculous cost they're charging just to hook it up to a computer, prompted me to buy a diagnostic computer off Amazon. Cost less than the fee they charged and can clear codes, need be.
I have gotten a check engine light on every Corolla I have owned (6 since 2003). I take them to Auto Zone. Im told it is the catalytic converter or the emission leak or a sensor. Then to the mechanic who gives me a price of $1000.00 or more. resetting the computer is not the answer, this only lasts for a few miles. the light comes back on. I am not concerned with the light until it is time for inspection. The computer will tell when it had been reset and it will not get inspected until enough miles have been driven after reset. My question is why I have this problem with every Corolla and not with my other car?
《myluck》 do you have any code of any of the 6 corollas with the check engine. Will be nice to know.if they related at all
Just had same scenario. Early morning first start, about 44 degrees. Engine started rougher than normal for about 3 seconds or so, then stabilized. About a minute later the check engine and TRAC lights came on simultaneously. I checked my gas cap. Was completely secure. I did smell an excessive fuel smell in my garage after letting it run for a few minutes but I usually just drive away so the fuel smell could be normal.
I have a 2009 Toyota Corolla and took the car to Auto Zone and the code stated that it was an ignition coil for port 1. I took the car to Firestone and they replaced the coil and spark plugs, but I still have the check engine light and trac light on, with the VSC light flashing. Additionally, the car is idling rough. At this point, I’m not sure what to do.
had my 2010 corolla s checked at autozone with engine light on vsc light flashing . code that showed up was po137 which is a bank 1, sensor 2 oxygen sensor about 100.00, sensor is located after cat
Tabrez Husain answered 6 years ago
Drove my Corolla 2013 through water clogged streets 2 days ago, ran fine for 2 days, started showing TRACK OFF , engine and battery lights yesterday. Shut off the car and back on, ran fine. Took it to a local tech to be sure and they found nothing except doubting the water causing some sensor to act up and suggested not to worry, the car is running fine except keeps showing the all the three lights every once in a while and needs a restart. not sure what to do
I took the car to Toyota and they ran a diagnostic on it and it revealed low compression in two to the cylinders. I’ve traded it in and got what I could for it, since it has over 188,000 plus miles. I still don’t know why the low compression would impact the trac and VSC lights coming on. I’m wondering if there are other issues, that they missed, like they did with my Prius, which cost me additional repairs and costs, or I would have traded it this summer as well. Thanks for everyone’s inputs with your vehicles.
Tabrez Husain answered 6 years ago
UPDATE: The mechanic narrowed down to crank sensor and replaced it, it worked for a day however it started doing this weird thing now where it stalls while idling. I have left it with them again, I am too frustrated now as professionals aren't able to fix it either, will post what happens next
2009 Corolla we have been fitting this for about 2 months. It was also running rough with low acceleration. Cleaned the mass air flow sensor and reset lights by disconnecting battery. Acceleration a lot better. Lights soon came back on. put new gas cap on and reset. Lights soon came back on. Cleaned out throttle body and MAS again. lights just came back on. Taking in to dealer will try to update
stockjames answered 6 years ago
Had this exact issue with 2008 Toyota Sienna LE. Saw these posts and filled up the gas tank and it immediately disappeared.
I have a Toyota Corolla sport 2012 with 45,000 miles. My engine light & track light came on. It was losing power & dropping RPMs while idling, felt like it was going to stall. Took it to autozone to check it for free. They said it was coils. My mechanic tested it & said it was coil A. There are 4 coils. He tested the coil; changed it out with another one. The coil was fine. He tested the wires running from the computer to the coil. They were fine. He then tested the computer & that’s the problem. He called around & found a used one to replace it. He found out this is a common problem with these cars . Over all it’s costing me $900 & taking 5 days to fix. Believe it or not this is actually way cheaper than if I had to deal with the dealership on labor cost & getting a brand new computer from them. They said get a Toyota it will be great and reliable....
Harpersh89 answered 6 years ago
I just fixed this problem on my Lexus it’s your variable timing oil control valves/solenoid there are two of them. You need to change the left and right and reset the computer once they are changed. That’s why the traction light comes on. If you hook it up to OBD scanner and you get a code for variable timing that’s your problem to fix
I have a 2013 Toyota Corolla. I had to have my car jumped because I left my lights on. After that, the check engine and the Trac light came on. When I got home I googled possible answers and found this discussion forum. I also found a you tube video that said all that it may be is just the gas cap. So I went outside, opened the gas cap waited a few seconds, then replaced it back and made sure I heard it click. Went and turned the car on, and voila, the check engine light and the Trac light are off. Hope this helps
Thank You all for trying to answer my question, That particular sequence of 3(trac,engine&VSC) lights comes on for many issues unfortunately. I solved my issue by purchasing a code reader & found a faulty O2 sensor & my first attempt replacing it I thought & clearing it didn't go well & left me confused? Due to my boneheaded stupidity, I did not have enough lighting under the vehicle to differentiate the colors (I will admit I am color blind and it ain't always easy knowing what color is what) and I flip & flopped 2 wires and reset the code and past inspection, All's good. Thank You All
I have Corolla 2010 and has the same 3 light , the Mechanical said this is sign you must change the catalytic converter... Toyota company make the transition control and vsc light come on and not work to force you to change the catalytic converter... I changed the oxygen sensor twice , put many cleaner systems... all not working...
stockjames answered 6 years ago
For me with a 2008 Toyota Sienna LE all I had to do was fill up the gas tank and it went away. Other answers I found online was that the fuel mixture had gotten too rich, and I tried it and worked like a charm.
I found that someone (not me) had the suggestion that you just add 3 in 1 oil, another used vasoline to the rubber gasket on the gas cap. We did that and at first, nothing changed, but then during the next trip to the grocery store, they all turned themselves off. Thanks to the internet! Cost of fix: nothing, but a little inconvenience.
I have found that the VSC lite is blinking along with engine light. This has happened when it is raining . Pressed the anti skid button in for 15 seconds and have opened and closed the gas cap several times. The Lights stayed on. While driving one day I had the light go off. After restarting engine to go some where the VSC light starting n Blinking again. I have noticed that the engine has to race harder to get some speed. Appointment tomorrow with mechanic
2010 corolla same problem 118000 miles. I got the gas cap code but it was over a week since fill up. Read these fixes and changed my air filter as it sounded like a air fuel.flow problem.. Reset code been 400 miles so far lights stayed off. Cars running fine at all speeds. Good luck.
Traction light and Check engine light on my 2010 Toyata Yaris with 197K with an OBD code of P0420P turned out to be the cat converter and an 02 sensor.. Cat converter can be cleaned or changed but need the 02 sensor replaced.
I found this question on this website after searching because my daughter had her RAV4 engine light and traction light cine inn when she was heading out last night. So this morning we headed to the dealership. Thanks to the amazing guy who greeted us. After a couple of questions we concluded that the problem was likely caused due to shuffling her car back and forth in the driveway. Too much gas being injected every time, and not being used caused one of the spark plugs to not ignite. The solution is to have the car run for a minute, or run it around the block. The fellow just reset the check engine light ave we were good to go. Sorry if the terminology doesn't make 100% sense, my car knowledge isn't good. It was just nice to have it taken care of quickly, given that my daughter needed the vehicle a couple of hours later for her road test for her drivers license.
I have 35 Corollas in my fleet from 2006-2020. I changed the earliest ones 2006-2013 with locking gas caps. Within a day or two they ALL threw the traction control and check engine lights. Reset them and the lights came back on. Then removed the locking caps and reinstalled the originals.....All but one stayed off. Seems like the cars computer relearned the problem and fixed themselves after a few starts and stops. One car still driving me nuts......I put black tape over the lights. Car runs great, go figure.
ISLANDGIRLCHA answered 5 years ago
Well, today is the second time it's happened to me, 2012 Toyota Highlander. First time was after an oil change. Check engine and Trac off lights came on. I reset the maintenance light, it went off. Today, had new battery installed. They came on again. After they stayed on for a few hours, I popped the hood, gave the battery terminal a few hits with a coco cola glass bottle - voila!! Both off!! Lol Buying a new car but think I'm moving away from Toyota Higlander. This one has had too many electrical issues and bought it brand new. Had to replace a steering contraption, (can't recall exactly what it was - steering was tight when turning), within a year. Windows up and down by themselves, etc, etc. I don't expect that from a Toyota!!
All Asian brand vehicles are not what they used to be -- known for reliability. Their reliable reputations was came from an era of pre-computer and OBD1. In fact, all modern cars are having many electrical issues, all brands now suffer electronic problems equally -- today's electronics are just too delicate and too easily affected by the slightest little nuance. Electronics are the weak link in the car, what complicates it, and what is sucking the money out of you all. I will tell you why. Its because computers were put in cars. Before the microprocessor came along, it was just a mechanical problem you had to fix. Have extra air getting into a pre-computer car, via the air cleaner, and you got more HP with no CEL. But have that happen on an OBDII vehicle and all hell breaks loose. But pre-computers cars cost too much now, and there are no warranties and few parts available. Why did this all happen? Follow the money! Our lawmakers, the EPA, environmentalists, vehicle mfrs., have ruined vehicles. It is all about greed now. They get away with having a monopoly by claiming their systems are proprietary. Computers, money, and greed is what destroyed great cars. The only way to stop them is for a worldwide revolution against those responsible. Pick one brand and have the whole world agree to boycott it and never buy anything from them again, ever, no matter how much they apologize. The rest of them will get the message and then things will change. Unfortunately, until that happens, nothing will change.
2010 Corolla - check engine VSC and raction control lights all came on suddenly whiel the wife was driving hoe from work - NO OTHER COMPLAINTS - I used UScan app on my I- Pad and one of my scan tool modules AFTER I could not get the mess to reset using any of the parameters people here mentioned. It reported an evaporative emissions leak code. Dang it all if when i checked the wife's gas cap it was lose. Tightened the cap, issued the reset command and everything cleared = I suppose time will tell if that was the real deal.
Breezy2345 answered 4 years ago
2013 toyota corolla 43k miles recently had the check engine an the trac light turn on after buying a obd2 reader i got a bunch of emission reads. the next day i went to make an appt. at my toyota dealer. (couldnt get through). when i took my wife to work later that day both the lights were off. Ive drove a couple times since an the light hasnt turned back on. im wondering if i should still make the appt? car isnt running an diffrently. been cranking the ac so itll idle high for a second if im not moving in park. codes for reference. p043e p043f p2401 p2402 p2419
Same issue as many other ppl with my 2009 Toyota Corolla (140,000 miles). Car is throwing the traction control light, "VSC off" light is blinking, and check engine light is blinking. This problem started a few months ago. First the lights would come on randomly and would not seem to affect the car. I tried to get the diagnostic done a few times and they beginning but the lights kept going off iagnostic tesr done, the lights would always go off. I just assumed it was an issue with the gas cap since the car seems to be running fine .Then in the last month the car threw the lights again and it started running poorly. For example, it was idling very rough and had trouble accelerating. Took it to AutoZone they ran the codes and it said it was a bad ignition coil. I replaced all four ignition coils and it ran seemingly without any issues for a couple of weeks and the lights did not come back on. Then last week the same issue happen and the lights came back on and the car ramp poorly again. Took it back to run the diagnostic test and it said it was a bad ignition coil AGAIN. Replaced that single ignition coiI for the 2nd time and the car ran good for a few days. Just today I was on my way to the store and it happened again. Lights are all on again, car feels like it's running on 3 cylinders. I am running out of money and don't know what to do. Please help.
I can confirm that the gas cap not being properly put on fixes the check engine light coming on and the trac off light coming on. I have a 2011 Toyota Corolla that never has any issues and the two lights just came on the other day and while reading some of the comments here I noticed the gas cap seemed to be a big issue I went and checked my car and noticed I had forgotten to put it back on last time I filled up. I replaced it and reset my battery for 30 seconds and everything's like new again. Thank goodness for the internet!
The same thing happens to me with my 2014 Corolla, I saw in some forums the topic of the fuel cap and I proceeded to check it, it was indeed wrongly placed, after adjusting it I disconnected the negative pole of the battery for a few minutes. When the lights were turned on again, they went out, however, after going a few miles, they came back on.
I first noticed the problem of both the Check Engine Light and Trac Off being lit earlier today. I found this web page and, after reading a number of posts, opened then re-seated the cas cap several times to no avail. I opened the hood but found no loose hose clamps or damaged hoses. I will most likely take the car to a nearby Autozone tomorrow to get an OBD2 scan to see what's going on. Looked at Amazon website but can't get an OBD2 scanner for several days, and the ones at Autozone start at around $99, so I'm not doing that given that the issue, whatever it is, will probably cost a lot. I'll get a scanner mainly to avoid being scammed by the auto repair shop.
Mines just came on (2010 Toyota Corolla have had for 4 years)...vcf off light and engine light. I went and checked my gas cap from reading the thread (my friend pumped the gas yesterday at the gas station)...he didn't put my cap on back on tight at all...the cap was basically just sitting on the threads. Guess I'll unhook my battery and stuff and put more gas in it because it's only half full. There's a picture of the check engine icon on my gas cap and it says if it's not tight...the check engine light will come on.
I had my engine lights on and VSC lights flashing twice already. I just notice that everytime I had that problem I just check my oil by using the deep stick and putting it back. After that the lights are gone.
What should fuel trim read using my versus
Fooferhead answered 4 years ago
2010 Corolla what a piece of junk my car has been $3,500 in repairs most of it covered by warranty have any of you ever checked to see if your clock spring is bad it's in the steering column right at the steering wheel I had that replaced in my check engine light went off by the way it is a recall but they never sent out a recall notice to anybody that I know
Guru9T2PXQ answered 3 years ago
2014 Corolla LE > check engine + trac off + no eoc = The last time I filled my tank the cap Didn’t feel right so I just buy another one for $13 and presto all of the lights are off and everything is back to normal
2010corolla . vsc , check engine lite and traction lite come on after rain and the engine revs to 3500rpm and does not shift into high gear on hiway. car drive s ok after letting it sit for a awhile , but lights stay on. Everything is fine on dry days . Any suggestions. (65000 MILES)
Don't know why when I signed in it deleted my answer but I'll retype: Traction control light is independent of the issue with the engine in my case. Trac control retards ignition timing on most cars and shifts into higher gear to slow wheels and give you control during a slide. When you have a misfire like mine did (p0302 misfire), the Trac control light came on. I swapped coil packs from bank 2 to bank 1, cleared code, started up. Code became p0301 misfire... that is a coil pack failure. Cleared code again. Replaced all 4 coil packs, started up. No lights, no shaking in engine. Then replaced all 4 plugs as a preventative measure. Car's like new again. Hope this helps
GuruDWNYZX answered 9 months ago
Hi all ! I just had this issue, 2011 toyota corolla, check engine light and trac light on at same time. I have my own mechanic I use all the time. He found a code for down stream oxigen sensor and replaced it. All is good. As other guy said O2 sensor did trip both lights and my guy said same thing, The system is designed that way. I had sensor replaced two weeks ago and all's good.Lights went out, cars running fine. Hope this helps !