key wont turn off and release

Asked by SP2011 Jun 21, 2018 at 06:03 PM about the 2013 Subaru Crosstrek

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

When i go to park and turn off the key it locks half way and won't come out.  
Have to reverse and pull forward sometimes several times before it will turn
completely off.  Anyone else have these issues?

80 Answers


This is happening to my wifes car right now..... going to call Subaru and find out what's going on

21 people found this helpful.

Just started happening to me with my 2016 crosstrek,. Has anyone had a resolution?

66 people found this helpful.

My 2015 just started doing this, too. Really frustrating.

14 people found this helpful.

Try to firmly place the car in Park with the wheels as straight as possible. This works for me.

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I discovered from a friend who works at Subaru that there has been a technical service bulletin about an issue with the "shift selecter mechanism." Subaru is aware of the persistent problem, but has not issued a recall. If you are under your 36,000 3 year warranty, they will replace it. If not, they suggested I call Subaru directly to discuss, but otherwise I will likely have to pay for this out-of-pocket. $232.50 for labor and not sure the cost of the part despite it being a chronic Subaru-based problem.

50 people found this helpful.

I started having this problem on my 2016 Forester a few months ago, right after the 3 year warrant ended....

11 people found this helpful.

In the meantime try jiggling the steering wheel to see if this helps loosen the interlock system as you retract the key.

5 people found this helpful.

It's happening to my 2016 Crosstek. After I got an oil change last week at my Subaru dealer, it started doing this.

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Happened on my 2016 Legacy, started right after the basic warranty expired, in the shop now as this is a known issue with a sensor in the shifter in the console. Fortunately I have the extended warranty so it will only cost me $100 out of pocket.

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Just started with my 2016 Impreza hatch-back, at the first stop I made after going to a car wash. I thought it was one of their drivers.

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This just started to us after buying our used 2016 Crosstrek...cannot get the keys out of the ignition after tuning the engine off. As many other people talk, we’ve been able to work around this by ‘jiggling’ with the shifter to confirm it knows it is in PARK, allowing our keys to be released. Car is now at the dealer for the tail light recall, and they shall be looking into a possible shifter repair as well.

11 people found this helpful.

This just started with my 2015 Crosstrek. I just brought it to the dealership but it is over the warranty. They are supposed to call with the price tomorrow but wanted to know if anyone else has paid out of pocket for this? I would love to hear any prices since I'm nervous about this.

10 people found this helpful.

This just started happening to my 2016 Subaru Crosstrek and to answer yes I pushed in the key, yes my wheels are straight. It is really scary. I have an appointment but thank you Guru above that seems like a logical answer.

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Dealer just repaired my 2016 Crosstrek that is a few weeks out of warranty at no charge. Total repair took about 40 minutes and am happy to report my key no longer sticks!

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2015 Subaru Impreza, CVT. Key won't finish turn to locking/release position sometimes. Pressing the button on the shifter a few times will trigger it to release, so it's been manageable, just really annoying. Out of warranty, so I'll have to take it in or do it myself.

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This problem has started to occur on my 2016 Subaru Crosstrek as well. After reading all the other post I feel that Subaru should have a recall on this issue. Being that there is no maintenance that one can do to prevent this, I don't feel that I or we should have to pay for anything relating to this. it is not like you have to grease it or change the oil in it. Certainly a defect issue from the factory.

30 people found this helpful.

I completely agree! The Subaru dealership I went to charged me $430 BUT the dealership told me to call Subaru and they would hear my claim. I told them what happened and that other people experienced the same problem. They had me send a picture of the bill and ended up sending me a check with the full amount. Soooo it should be a recall but they will end up paying for it - it’s just more annoying.

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Just out of curiosity, all the previous post I wonder if each vehicle has remote start installed? I ask this because my 2016 Crosstrek did not start this problem until right after I installed the remote start.

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Okay, I just contacted Subaru of America and they told me to schedule an appointment with the local dealership and to let them know the date and time of that appointment and they were also going to be in touch with that dealership. Subaru of America said they wanted to help me with this issue but did not come right out and say they would pay for it. We will see on that part. Also, when I called the dealership to schedule an appointment he immediately said it is the park switch. That they have seen this numerous of times. I will update again after this issue is resolved.

32 people found this helpful.

This started happening to me last week after I just had a recall on my turn signal that they replaced.

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My car has been doing this for 6 months now. I have a 2013 cross trek. I have to start and turn off my car multiple times before it lets me get the key out. EXTREMELY frustrating

21 people found this helpful.

2017 limited just started doing this. 3 times in last week. Heading to dealer tomorrow while it’s still under warranty.

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well that is so funny i took my crosstrex in and they fixed it telling me there was a recall it is still happening i called them i was on hold for 20 mins and got disconnected so pissed off way to go # 1 cochran give me a break

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WL Subaru in Northumberland PA fixed mine in under an hour, under warranty.

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Shift "column"? I think you mean the shift console, and not the steering column, near the key switch. I know it's a bit confusing, but repair should be gratis.

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This just started with my 2015 crosstrek and I’m currently stuck in the car and can’t get the key out!

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Try inserting the key a bit further as you step on the brake and jiggle the key AND the gear shift nob while in Park. Then get it permanently repaired.

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Tasia, they just replaced that plate guide on my '17 in literally under an hour - while mine was under warranty and done for free without question, $400 is absolutely outrageous.

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There is a service bulletin DATE: 03/15/18 16-112-18R REVISED: 11/06/18 from Subaru about this issue. I’m sitting at the dealership and happy I bought extended warranty. It will cost me $50 rather than $350 to replace the part that was designed to fix issue. Service rep explained that the plate had originally been installed wrong (by Subaru) and it wears so the car doesn’t recognize when it’s put in park. I have a 2015 model with less than 30,000 miles. Can’t believe I have to pay anything based on the explanation from Service Rep and it is a “known “ issue.

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I had hoped that the Forester/Crosstrek/Impreza brake lamp switch recall would fix the key-stuck-in-the-ignition problem, but it didn't. So I took my 2016 Forester again, and yay it's finally fixed. The invoice states: -Perform TSB 16-112-18R Park-Range Switch R&R for ignition key sticking -Replaced Shifter Lever Plate and Associated Pieces The exact part numbers of the shifter plate and clamps are: -35122FJ033 Plate Guide AY (Qty 1) -35164AJ000 Clamp (Qty 1) -35164AJ010 Clamp (Qty 1) My extended warranty covered it and I just had to pay the $50 deductible. Good luck everyone.

15 people found this helpful.

Shifter plate was what they replaced on mine as well. Mine was still under warranty (2017) so no deductible applied. Now what's funny is... they installed the plate upside down, so I couldn't put it in manual mode, but they made that right and it's fine now

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I’ve been experiencing the same issue, albeit sporadic. My dealership said it was the shift solenoid and clip that needs replaced. Does that sound right? I am concerned b/c I see others mention it being a shifter plate. Maybe those are one in the same, but it didn’t look like it to me after a super quick search on Google. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

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They asked if I had the brake switch recall done, I guess it can cause similar problems. I had it done so this was next on their list. Being the plate was installed (at the factory) incorrectly it wears on one side making it so the car doesn’t know it’s in park, so it can release the key.

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I am having the same issue with my 2015 Crosstrek (less than 25,000 miles on it). So glad I found this. Currently trying to schedule an appointment with the dealer for service.

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I was also having troubles with my key getting stuck in the ignition of my 2013 Crosstrek XV. When I called Subaru of America they let me know it could be due to the recall on the brake lamp. When I took it to the dealer to get that checked out, that did help, but I was still having issues with the key getting stuck. I asked them to take a look at the starter switch like recommended here, but it turns out it was the shifter plate guide that was faulty. Evidently it has not yet been recalled, but it is a solution on the technical service bulletin issued with the brake lamp recall. It costs $356.00 to fix, but I've called Subaru to request goodwill support on the cost. They are looking into it. Highly recommend if you're having this issue, please call Subaru, it could lead to a recall if enough people are having issues with this part being faulty. In the meantime, I hope this is helpful to anyone else having issues with their key getting stuck in the ignition.

12 people found this helpful.

This just started happening to my 2016 Crosstrek after I had my break switch recall done.

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@guru1HTPN mine was not the break switch lamp either... they tried to tell me it was, but it was actually a plate in the shifter.

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Just happened with my 2015 crosstrek. Followed example and called Subaru of America. They’re giving me a $350 coupon when the dealer quoted me $450. I’m okay with paying $100 because mine just is about a month out of warranty.

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just FYI dealership "fixed" this issue a year ago. it's happening again. they changed the plate and also a switch. it's happening again and want to charge me 350 dlls.... that's BS.

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I also have a 2016 cross trek that this issue just began a few weeks ago. Right now doing the workaround. Rolling forward then back and then trying Park again. Then shutting ignition off. It’s really a pain and am very disappointed in my Suburu. I already had to have a brand new transmission put in. I have only 37,000 miles.

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This is now the same issue with my 2016 crosstrek. Key will not turn off the car. I have already had a brand new transmission put into this car that i purchased brand new! I am under 38,000 miles. I am really mad, i thought Suburu was supposed to be so good. Does anyone have a contact number at Suburu of America. Just frustrated. Thanks

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Just became intolerable on my 2017 Crosstrek, which I purchased 3 months ago used from a Toyota dealer. Started out once in a while, now every darn time! Scary, once I couldn't even turn car off. Went to dealer, they said yeah, lots of this complaint. They knew exactly what parts needed, appointment tomorrow. I bought extra warranty, since it was expired when I got the car, but I'm calling Subaru cause I resent paying for a known factory defect, even if it's a reduced amount.

8 people found this helpful.

I jus had my dealership look at this issue in my 2016 Outback. They indicated it was a gear issue, for my car was not going into park. At a price of $749.00. Reading this thread, it seems this price is high.


"Gear issue"? No, I think you mean a park lock interface issue, which they'll cover under warranty if you scream at them.

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I called Subaru, they called the dealer and covered the $319 repair. Subaru told me the brake switch lamp problem had already been addressed by the previous owner. Hope this ends it.

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It's been doing the same thing with my 2015 crosstrek. I let it go for a long time as it was not happening as frequent and I didnt think much of it. Now it does it ALL the time! Super frustrating. I have an appointment scheduled for the recall and was going to have them look into this. This has been a very informative thread. Thank you all! I will be calling Subaru of America as I believe this should be a recall.

3 people found this helpful.

Thank you for all the information! I'm having the same problem with my 2016 Forrester. Of course this problem started as soon as my warranty expired. I am getting ready to call Subaru now. Thank you, again!

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I just called Subaru. There is a service bulletin out on this issue and it's #16-112-18R

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Had this issue with my 2016 Subaru Crosstrek that I just purchased CPO a couple weeks ago. Dealership hadn’t addressed brake switch recall before putting it up for sale (even though they listed it CPO?!) so they tried that first. Then they told me that it would cost $400+ to address the actual issue, the shifter plate guide, since the CPO warranty only covers powertrain. Armed with y’all’s input, spoke to sales manager, service manager, and Subaru of America before they finally decided that they would cover it (especially since I just bought it). Thanks for all your help!

3 people found this helpful.

Curious where your dealer is. And remember that "CPO" is what we used to simply cal a "safety check", quickly performed just to squeeze by a used car state warranty. Good luck. Ern TSG/B


This just started happening me today with my 2017 Crosstrek. About 38,000 miles and dealer said it was $175 to diagnose since warranty just expired. Super frustrating!

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Had the same issue as all of the above posts with my 2015 Cross Trek. Couldn’t put car in park , couldn’t take out key etc. Took my car to dealer told them that l shouldn’t have to pay since it was a manufacturing problem. Also took copy of the Subaru Service bulletin, #16-112-18R. They called Subaru of America and l got a new selector plate same day. l had no warranty and no charge thank God!

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My 2016 important Important Impreza has started doing this when I shut off the car. Unable to get the keys out. Have to shut down and restart...


So I took my car to a dealer, as recommended by Subaru customer service, and they wouldn't fix this problem because my car didn't show the problem when they tried it that day. I told them it was intermittent but they still would fix it. I took it to my mechanic, he ordered the part (shifter kit - $400) from Subaru (which was on back order for a while) and repaired the problem. I contacted Subaru customer service to inform them what happened and they asked for an itemized receipt showing the parts are from Subaru. Once confirmed, they processed reimbursement for the parts, not the labor, which I'm okay with. Car is now working just fine!

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What a pain, eh? They didn't cover the labor because they reimburse their dealer service dept at a very reduced warranty rate, so won't pay outside invoices for labor. I suspect your local dealer didn't want to deal with it because of overload and parts back-order. Shame....


Subaru of America worked with me and paid for the fix ASAP. Shifter plate replacement. I have a 2016 Crosstrek, started having problems with removing the key from the ignition: getting stuck about a month ago. I went to local Subaru dealer and they suspected it was the shifter plate before diagnostic ($99.00). If that was the issue that 99 would be rolled into the fix price of approx $270.00. 30,200 miles on the car, out of the 3yr/36,000 warrantee. I saw posts about the same problem. I called Subaru of America and they and they called my dealership: They paid for the repairs and the loaner car. I had my Subi back in a day and a half!!! I am a Subaru evangelist again!

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Just had to have mine fixed on my 2016 crosstrek. They seemed aware that this was an issue, but have not issued a recall. $350 for parts and service. Uhg.

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It happened to me right after 3 years service. I have a 2017 crosstrek. I called Subaru of Canada about it cause I saw lots of ppl having issues. Why there is no recall? Booked appointment next week , will see whether they are going to charge me. This is ridiculous

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After reading all of the above, I called Subaru of America (800-Subaru3), and they are going to pay for the repair at the dealer I choose. My 2016 Crosstrek has 28,000 miles, but I am out of warranty. SUBARU INFORMED ME THEY ARE PROCESSING THIS ISSUE NOT AS A RECALL, BUT AS AN EXTENDED WARRANTY SINCE THEY HAVE HAD A LOT OF CASES. Call Call Call Subaru.

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That's the Subaru way. Only squeaky wheels get greased. That's an MO of a small underfunded company, but with their size and funding Totoburu should be more pro- active...and maybe improve the engineering of weak parts like wheel bearings, for example. Simple, cheap stuff they continue to cost-cut inappropriately.


Please submit this problem to This should be a recall.

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Thanks for all the above info-mine started just after I had the factory battery replaced at about 32K, so messing with the electrical system probably sets it off. I'll be a the dealer MOnday with copies of these various emails.


Just spoke with Subaru and was told to notify about the issue and when there are enough reports, the Gov will tell Subaru to issue a recall. Also my issue started after I replaced the battery, which is in line with several of the reports in this thread.

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happened on my 2018 crosstrek just warranty expired a month ago.


Happening to me now with my 2016 Crosstrek. Also had to replace the wheel bearings. Now my remote starter is not working. Very disgusted with the Subaru product. Certainly not meeting the expectations or living up to its former reputation! Won’t purchase another one or recommend it. There should be a way to let people know about these problems prior to them making a purchase.

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My key was also getting stuck in the ignition of my 2016 Crosstreck. I am so lucky I read this thread before taking my car in. I contacted Subaru and they told be to take my car into a dealership and let them know the location, date and time of appointment. I went and the dealership told me the total to fix the defective shifter plates on my car would be $515!!! I immediately called Subaru back before paying anything and they agreed to cover the fee and communicated directly with the dealership. Again, I am so happy I found this before paying $515 - hopefully if enough people call in they might recall.

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I have a 2017 Crosstrek (purchased Nov 2016), started having the 'key stuck' issue at 43k miles. Got sick of restarting the car, turn wheel all the way one direction then all the way in the other then back to middle to remove key. Dealer wanted $$ just to diagnose, and then there would be more $$ for the parts and labor. Thankful for the info I have gathered from you all. I contacted Subaru of America 1-800-782-2783. (told to make appt at Dealership, given case #, said they'd work the financials) Dealer said it's the Shift Plate, estimate is $533. SoA says they will cover all but a $100 deductible. I still think that's not right to pay for a defect such as this, so I'm continuing the calls to SoA to quote the Bulletin ( 9999.pdf) last revised 11/06/18 and see if they will fix the known defect at no cost to me. Will try to update any change in their resolution.

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I have a 2015 Crosstrek purchased in July 2015 with about 40,000 miles and was having a similar problem. I called Subaru of America and they "covered it" which means that they will reimburse the dealership for the $480 it cost to repair it. I paid nothing. l wish that this issue could have been taken care of without me having to go to Subaru of America. Since this seems to be such a pervasive problem you would think that the dealer could work with Subaru directly to get reimbursed.

2 people found this helpful.

can anyone help me I paid for the shifter plate replacement a few years ago on our 2016 forester can I get my money back

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