RAV4 hybrid noise


Asked by mbrom Apr 24, 2019 at 04:37 PM about the 2019 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid XLE AWD

Question type: General

Does a 2019 rav 4 hybrid make a funny noise
when in reverse to warn pedestrian

108 Answers


Just purchased a Limited model today, and noticed that unusual noise in reverse only.... I have a Sonata plug in hybrid and a Altima hybrid, no unusual noise in reverse.

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Checked with service at our Toyota dealer. Said the noise was for warning pedestrians

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My 2019 Rav4 Hybrid Limited has that noise too -- sounds very loud when backing out of garage! Can it be turned off or disabled?

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I have a new one as well. Just had it a week April 2019. Horribly loud whining noise when reversing. Sales guy said was normal after he checked with the service manager. I asked again today and they now say it goes away after 5000 miles. I asked to understand logic of that but no response.

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I did more googling. There is an NHTSA requirement that all cars with electric drive trains have to emit a noise when going 19 mph or less effective Sept 2019. That sis forward and reverse. However my rav4 makes this loud whining noise ONLY in reverse.

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@mbron I don't know the correct answer. But the noise is not there for NHTSA safety reasons otherwise it would be there when the car is going forward as well and just using electric power.

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Might have to locate the external speaker making the noise and muffle it somehow (if disconnected entirely, I'm sure a warning message would appear). In the meantime, the noise is much worse in an enclosed space (garage) so I'm keeping RAV4 windows closed until I'm a bit out of the garage. I'll certainly welcome input from others on this.

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Went in to the dealer and spoke to the service manager about the loud whining noise that occurs when only when the vehicle reverses under battery power. He said that other customers had come back to the dealer not happy with the noise and that they had gone back to Toyota to ask about it. Toyota says that it goes away after 5,000 miles. When I asked why it would go away after 5,000 he said he did not have an explanation for that. He also said that none of these customers had come back to them on the topic. This is not a very satisfactory response but I plan on waiting until the car has a few thousand miles on it to see if they are correct.

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so this is standard equipment… Vehicle proximity notification system. I would guess this is what is making the sound. Not sure location of speaker. Will take a look around this weekend.

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Did anyone figure this out yet, that is, find a good way to reduce or disconnect the backup warning sound? I too just picked up the hybrid and the backup warning sound his horrible.

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I think you just get used to it after a while, since it is loudest in Reverse it is not really a big problem. I just wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with the car and since a lot of other people have the same back up noise, i guess there is nothing wrong with the car. You kind of get used to it!

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I have not "gotten used to it." I have a long ways to back out of my driveway and still find the Rav4 Hybrid whine aversive! Let's keep looking for a solution.

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I picked up a new RAV4 Hybrid 3 days ago. I noticed the backup noise as well. I was parking in an underground parking lot today and it was super annoying. Was wondering if a volume control was available. I hope the 5,000 km response is true, although it sounds weird. The other annoying noise is the park assist audible noise that increases as you get closer and closer to an object parking, however I'm still two feet away and the system is going crazy. Be nice is you could mute it when you know you're close. I have to park at my office against the building and it goes crazy daily.

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This noise is unreasonable, a lot o luxury vehicles a quiet. How do I unplug it?

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I would also like to unplug it or muffle it somehow. Has anyone tried either yet?

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I noticed that if I flip mine in reverse and sit there for a couple seconds before releasing my foot off the brake, the sound goes away. When I mentioned it to the car salesman this morning, he said that maybe the e-brake needed a second to disengage. He admitted that the service department would know better, but that was his hunch.

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Anyone find a way to silence it yet? Also, the noise stops in reverse if the engine engages instead of battery, so it is definitely a warning device of some sort. Its gotta go:)

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2019 XSE hybrid, got it yesterday. Same noise only in Reverse. I was worried about it but it looks is a common issue. If it stops for someone let me know thx!

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i believe the noise is supposed to be there as a warning to pedestrians because our cars are so quite in hybrid... i think the noise is here to stay.....

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So, it'd be interesting to know if one could consistently "disable" the sound somehow, for example, by sitting on the brakes several seconds before moving in reverse as someone suggested. Maybe during those several seconds, the engine engages and the sound doesn't need to activate since you're not entirely electric at that point? One should be able to experiment and find a pattern here. Of course, it'd be nice if there was a manual turn off or volume knob, but I don't think that'll happen any time soon. Sitting on the edge considering buying a Rav4 Hybrid, this type of thing is not a plus!

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It is definitely a backup warning when being powered by the battery. As soon as the gas motor engages, the sound goes away. While I am starting to get acustom to it, and seems to have decreased slightly, still annoying. I will work on this over the summer while I am off work and report back if I find a way to disconnect or muffle it. Other than the back up noise, I really like the car, minus some road noise which I will sound proof over the summer as well.

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I talked to the Service Manager at my dealership. He confirms it is a required safety feature and that there is now a mandated higher volume. He says the speaker is located in the front of the vehicle, behind where a front license plate would be. He suggests you approach it from underneath the vehicle (would need to remove the plastic piece that covers the bottom of the car). You should be able to muffle it -- I read that someone taped some material over the center of a speaker so it could not fully vibrate. I doubt a Toyota dealership would do this but I have a small repair shop near me that has helped my jury rig stuff in the past.

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Thanks GuruLFPBM. That plastic piece/flashing should be easy to remove. That is a good starting point. I will take a look at it as soon as my summer break starts.

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Have had our XSE Hybrid for about 2 weeks. Same noise in reverse in EV mode. Why would a speaker be in front for a reverse warning? Doesn't make a lot of sense.

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The sound seems to me to come from the front of the vehicle. I think it also makes a noice in EV mode when the vehicle is going forward, but the noice is not as loud. For a person behind the vehicle to hear this front-mounted speaker, it has to be loud when the vehicle is in reverse. -- just my theory. BTW, if we find a way to muffle this speaker I guess we risk making the warning noise to low to alert people in front of the vehicle.

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Kind of almost makes you want a gas only mode so you won't have the sound in reverse :-) I suppose (have no idea if it works) that you could do that by driving the last bit before parking in battery only mode so that the next time you start the car and reverse out of your parking the gas engine will engage to charge up the depleted battery. Of course, it'd be kind of annoying to have to do this...

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I test drove the gas only version before buying the hybrid, it had noticeably less power from my perspective. That back up warning should be easy to decrease or silence, will get to it this summer.

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I bought a RAV4 Limitied Hybrid which I've had for three weeks. I love it; it has split second pickup, drives nice and looks great. The backup noise is annoying, but it's no big deal. The dealership said at 5k its supposed to change (don't know what that means) If it's a mandated sound - Toyota and other manufacturers can't just ignore it. It certainly doesn't make me like the RAV4 less TRY THIS: Just before you back up, put your heater on - it forces the gas engine to start and the noise is gone!

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I have an 18 prius and it was annoying too so I disconnected it and put 4.7 ohm resistor in its place to stop the warning messages when disconnected. IT works. HOWEVER, the RAV4 has 2 of these speakers (stereo effect? LOL) AND it is much louder in reverse and runs anytime the ICE is off, even when completely stopped! You really think it is going to go away after 5,000 miles? Sealing the speaker wont help much unless because I tried using silicone to silence it. Sound is pervasive. My fear that in the RAV4, that these speakers also function as the the horns.

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Many thanks to GuruS9T5K for the suggestion: "Just before you back up, put your heater on - it forces the gas engine to start and the noise is gone!" This worked great for me when backing out of my long driveway (I likely will not do it when just backing out of parking spaces). In cold weather, when the heater naturally engages, there should be no problem.

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I just purchased a 2019 RAV4 XSE. Just came back from the dealer, thought the electric motor was making the noise. I have 3 speakers in the front behind the grill. @ speakers are the horn the center one (behind the logo) is the speaker the emits this nasty sound. I disconnected the plug.. and NO noise. BUT not radar cruise control, and no traction control. Wish Toyota would allow us to pick a backup chime. :) Waiting for that 5K mileage point.

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My neighbour just bought a rav4 hybrid and everytime they back out of their garage I want to find a way to disconnect that speaker. When ICE noise levels aren't that loud at low speed, why would they make the backup noise so loud? This echoes through the neighbourhood...

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was reading on one site.. "Solved the problem. I went to an electronics shop because Toyota could not disable it, legal issues, and they put a 30 amp resistor in place of the speaker so the system still thinks it’s connected but it’s quiet." I may try this trick.

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I found if you simply push the accelerator peddle a little while in Park the gasoline engine engages, then I put in Reverse and the noise is eliminated.

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Let me know if the 30 amp resistor works. I will get this within the next week and try to muffle it.

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So glad I found this site with all of your collective I put...was concerned something was wrong. I thought perhaps the Toyota angels were singing as I backed up!!

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Having just had an extensive test drive of a brand new Toyota RAV4 hybrid I came to this site having googled 'RAV4 excesive noise' It really suprises me that so many are upset by the reversing piezo. Its no louder than V8 or a cold diesel engine and I certainty wouldn't bypass it in this litigious age. What did notice is the excessive road/tyre noise and wind roar especially for rear seat passengers at speeds over 40mph. So disappointed as I love everything else about the car

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We noticed the reverse sound this morning and I’m glad I googled it. Seems like a common problem but nothing wrong with the car. At least I hope not. I can put up with the sound. It does have a lot more road noise than our Camry Hybrid.

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I just purchased the 2019 RAV 4 model and it is a horrific noise. Sales guy says they had to add that feature to warn pedestrians but it is excessive and embarrassing. I cant stand it. Its so bad it would have been a deal breaker for me if I had known. And I love the car otherwise .

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I live across the street from nursing home where people park daily to visit family. There is only one car (2019 RAV4 Hybrid) that wakes the whole block when it reverses to park at curbside. Very annoying when they park 4 to 5 times daily. Maybe a note on the car about your suggested solutions will help all of us? Come on Toyota and figure this out. It's a very loud noise like standing beside a cement mixer! I cant imagine anyone spending alot of money to be told to go away and come back after 5000 miles is on the car (ridiculous).

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Behind the front Toyota Logo on the front bumper you will see a octagonal speaker. On either side of it you will see the horns. If you remove the octagonal speaker and wrap it up lots and tight in electrical tape you can minimize the sound. Leaving the speaker unplugged generates a constant annoying error code on the dash. It's unfortunate Toyota made such a loud and annoying sound with this reverse. They could have made it a tad quieter and a much more pleasant sound like a standard engine noise. Oh and whichever engineer decided to put a reverse warning speaker at the front of the car should be fired lol Disclaimer: Not recommending anyone do this as you increase the chance of backing up into another person/car without this noise. Always be careful when reversing and go slow :)

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I took my XSE Hybrid to Northridge Toyota dealer. After two days at their servoce department they couldn't figure it out how to disconnect, muffle or help me any how. No replacement parts, service bulletin. They did a computer update, but no improvement,

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GuruHJSTZ: They didn't/could't help you because, from Toyota's point of view, the sound is not a bug but a safety feature.


All, I believe this is a bad design. Why cant they use a beeping noise instead this noise as many cars have to warn pedestrians at reverse mode? When I took my Brand new Rav4 (Aug 2019) limited Hybrid I also get the safety feature answer from service people. When forward driving it will break when an object get close so no need for any beeping. On reverse we need some beeping than this noise that make you believe some mechanical issue. Toyota should make an improvement here.

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Just read a post from another website. A guy claims to have solved the problem, using duct tape of course. He says to find anything similar in size to the center of the speaker and is soft, like the round felt pieces you can attach to the bottom of furniture legs. Put a few of them on center of speaker and then duct tape them tightly in place, so they press down on center of speaker. He claims the speaker can’t vibrate efficiently then, which muffles the noise it makes. Worth a try.

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Just picked up and immediately returned our RAV4 after hearing the reversing sound. The service rep called it angelic. This seemed curious, so I did a little research. Google: Lux Aeterna 2001: A Space Odyssey. Sample a certain part of this track and play it thru a car horn and I bet it would match. Now just need a optional speaker upgrade for fidelity. Audiophile sounds for quiet running, a new profit stream from A Government regulation. Lemonade from ...

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This controversial continuous (when in reverse) sound is Toyota's "vehicle proximity notification system". It is now a requirement of the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act (PSEA), the enforcement which has been evolving since the act was put into play in 2010. It is described on page 74 of the RAV4 manual.

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Also, and this only works when starting up cold engine, if you turn heat all the way up it forces the gas engine on, and you can back up without that noise. Then, of course, just turn temp to desired level.

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Not sure if a more pleasant sound could be substituted but it would be legal https://youtu.be/6MHUKMiwzj8

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GuruSVMS (80 above) - easy solution, tried it and it worked. Gently press accelerator while in park (with foot on brake) until gas engine comes on, then put in reverse. No loud whirring. The whirring was first noticed by my next door neighbor - I could not hear it at all when in the car with the windows rolled up. I am glad to find an easy solution because I don't think my neighbors would appreciate being awakened by the very loud whirring noise. I am surprised and disappointed that the dealership did not mention this to us.

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Guru19N3Q wrote: "Just picked up and immediately returned our RAV4 after hearing the reversing sound." I applaud that and encourage others to follow her/his example. While I'm thoroughly enjoying my XSE Hybrid, when I'm driving it, even in reverse, which, over 1000K sample miles (ok, it's OCD, but I stopwatch timed it) totaled 2minutes and 20 seconds, as a pedestrian I'd benefit from no one else keeping their RAV4 Hybrid, as that would spare me Guru19N2Q's space odyssey auditory hallucination (which must be a common pedestrian experience of Toyota's reverse gear "vehicle proximity notification system," since the pedestrians I've observed walking near or behind my XSE, when I have it in reverse, never even look up from their texting)--not even the nanny's pushing strollers :-)

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Typo ... that was, of course, 1K miles --- the "1000K" miles must have been written during an actual intergalactic space odyssey experience

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First of all, it does not stop after 5,000 miles. They probably hope you will get used to it by then. ;) I welcome the sound. I don't find it too loud, but I park in a carport. A friend describes it as a choir of angels. I'm super aware pedestrians can't hear me. This helps when I'm reversing.

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2019 RAV4 XSE — same experience as others, I have a 2017 Lexus RX400h that also has the proximity feature in reverse, so I knew it was a safety feature. But the RAV4 is SO much louder! I also complained to my dealer at my first 6mo/5K checkup. They had no clue. They promised to open a ticket to Toyota engineering but I don’t expect any resolution. I was hoping the volume could just be turned down. I’m ok with the warning sound, but heads turn across a whole parking lot when I back up, and neighbors have noticed for sure.

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I found the speaker today. It's located right behind the grill at the top. To get access to it you have to remove the top cover at the front of the engine compartment. (The one with the 0w16 sticker). I'll unplug it today and see if there are any adverse effects besides the light turning on in the dashboard.

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If you just unplug it, you will get an awful warning sound every few seconds about the pedestrian warning system malfunction. I removed the speaker and wired in a 4ohm resistor to the plug in order to mimic the speaker. Worked like a charm.

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@Alex. Any chance you could take a couple of pictures of the unit you unplugged and your resistor shown in place? Also a link on where to buy the resistor? I am not great at electronics!

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Definitely. There are 3 speakers behind the grille. The outer ones are horn and the middle one is the pedestrian warning speaker. I attached a link to the resistor I used. The ends of the resistor were not long enough so I had to lengthen them with speaker wire. One end goes into one side of the plug and the other end goes into the other side of the plug. Wrapped it all in electrical tape and taped it just under the black plastic trim. Let me know if you have more questions. https://www.amazon.com/uxcell-Power- Resistor-Ceramic- Cement/dp/B07D7YS4TW/ref=mp_s_a_1_11? keywords=4+ohm+resistor&qid=1571327159& sprefix=4ohm&sr=8-11

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I had an audio sound shop wrap the warning speaker with Dynamat and that muffles the noise, without eliminating it. I've found that pedestrians more often recognize the noise without (from what used to be the look on the faces of pedestrians) seeming to think there's something wrong with the car; and neighbors have said they don't notice it anymore. As far as me having to hear it, it's now in the "I'm okay with it" range; and I'm not worried about having completely removed the warning to pedestrians.

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Interestingly, my wife's 2019 Avalon Hybrid Limited makes no sound at all in forward or reverse when using battery power. It was purchased in June 2019, before the ADA requirement became effective. My 2019 RAV4 Hybrid Limited is like everyone else's in this post: loud high-pitched noise when in reverse, but lesser noise in forward. I'm wondering if this only affects USA RAV4 hybrid owners. Anyone?

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I just bought a Hybrid RAV 4 Limited. I HATE this whining tinny noise, after having owned 3 successive and quiet Camry Hybrids. Ugh! I just might have to muffle it. Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences and their fixes!

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I was concerned it was a mechanical problem, relieved that it is an original installation. Dealers don't seem to be aware of the situation. Not sure if the speaker is 4 or 8 ohm. No amount of mileage will make it cease unless a micoproceser is programmed to shut it off.

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Glad I found your posts. I just bought a RAV4 and "same thing." I thought something was wrong with the car. I called the dealer/service manager and I was told it was a safety feature. If Toyota reads these posts, I would recommend some training for sales and service staff to that they can at least be honest about what the issue is. Thanks for your "tried" solutions. The muffling ideas seem the most practical for now.

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Just purchased a 2020 RAV4 Hybrid and was shocked at the noice it made in reverse. I’ve had 3 Priuses and never had a sound like this. On prior models I just unplugged the noise maker. It on this on. You get an error message displayed on the instrument cluster. So, located the thing behind the logo. Stuffed every org is with insulation and duck taped. The sound, just about as before. So this time I pried then front cover off which gave more access to crevices. Took some good old latex caulking, my Granddad called it Gonk, and filled it up. Photo attached. Put the cover back on, duct taped and reinstalled. The sound, about the decibels of a single electric radiator fan. Maybe less. The point is, it still makes noise in reverse but it totally unnoticed. Photos should better illustrate the proceds

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I have 11000 miles and the noise didn’t go away. I have to admit I like the sound. We joke that my hybrid is holy because it sounds like angels singing when I back up.

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You guys are ridiculous, ask your dealer! It is for pedestrians, its louder when your going in reverse because YOUR GOING IN REVERSE!!!!! You cant see everything as easily, its a precaution, calm down.

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Are you serious? It is insanely too loud. My RAV4 was embarrassing before I removed the speaker. My minivan was 10x quieter when going in reverse. Chill.

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The 2020 Toyota Camry hybrid has same noises. Welcome to the new rules of the road to make pedestrians safer. Not happy but will live with it. Dealerships and salespeople don’t tell you this because of fear of losing the sale.

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@Alex, thanks for the advise about using a resistor. Has it been a long term solution for you? Were there any heating issues with the resistor?


Yes it has worked like a dream for several months now. I check the resistor every so often and no issues to this point.

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it seems to be a very cheap fix to a legal problem. why can't it sound less like a bearing scweeeeeel and more like a refined car sound. children toys make better and less worrying noises, I genuinely thought some thing was about to seize up. It needs a health warning from the dealership. ( that's never going to happen). NEEDS URGENT RETHINK

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The 4 ohm resistor seems to be a solution for the reverse noise. My only concern is that this speaker MAY also transmit the sound necessary for the radar cruise control to work. Does anyone have a comment on this?


With the resistor in place of the speaker in mine, the cruise control works perfectly. The only purpose of this speaker is the make the terrible warning sound.

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It appears that the only function of the Toyota 8657042030 (see attached parts list) Vehicle Approaching Speaker, is to emit an obnoxious noise when in reverse or while driving under 25mph. The suggestion to replace this speaker with a 4 ohm resister should work to eliminate the noise and prevent a trouble light . I am not condoning this procedure as it could be construed as illegal but I believe it will resolve the noise with no unwanted results!

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When driving with the gasoline engine stopped, a sound, which changes in accordance with the driving speed, will be played in order to warn people nearby of the vehicle’s approach. The sound will stop when the vehicle speed exceeds approximately 22 mph (35 km/h).

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In EV drive mode, electric power is supplied by the hybrid battery (traction bat-tery), and only the electric motor (traction motor) is used to drive the vehicle.This mode allows you to drive in residential areas early in the morning and late at night, or in indoor parking lots etc. without concern for noises and gas emissions.However, when the vehicle proximity notification sys-tem is active, the vehicle may produce sound.

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There should be a disclosure law for all before buying a hybrid. That way the buyer knows what they are getting into. I wasted two trips to the repair dept of lexus and a call to lexus customer service and a lot of internet surfing before learning that horrible noise is NORMAL.

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Thank you all !!! I just bought 2020 last month and with cov 19 have not driven it. Was washing it yesterday and backed it up and I saw the person down the street turn his head up my street and then husband asked about the angelic noice he just heard coming from My Rav. I made him get in and back it up. Wow! That's loud! My husband said I better find out if it's normal. I guess it is according to the above statements. At the rate I'm am driving 5000 will take a while to undo this. Honestly , Just Happy to hear my new Car is NOT broken.

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GuruF469G ... Nope. It won't go away after 5000 or 50,000 miles. It's a permanent safety feature, implemented in the most obnoxious way for the RAV4.

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I understand to have a litlle warning for ALL but my goodness! Well if I hit someone at least they will have evangelical music as they rise up to heaven.

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@Alex: You put that resistor in the circuit, replacing the noise generating speaker. Did the wiring harness plug have more than just two wires? It looks like my 2020 Lexus ES 300h speaker may have a number of wires going into the connector. If it does, how would you identify the correct pin locations for the resistor? Thanks!


I have the 2020 Hybrid XSE and I really don’t mind the sound. My hubby & I always make fun of it! It’s better than the traditional back up beeper that was in my Explorer....now THAT was embarrassing!! Every car has something someone isn’t going to like so if that’s the worst of it, I’m ecstatic!!!

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Does anyone know where the hybrid noise speaker is located in a 2018 Camry Hybrid?


Alex has the correct repair for this issue — no doubt about it. It took about 2 months for the resistor to show up, but today when I installed it in my 2020 Lexus ES300h it worked! No noise — no warning message — no problem. And it’s not a difficult thing to do. Thank you Alex!!!!

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I know two people who have purchased newer cars that are making this weird sound when in reverse, my neighbors, who come and go all day from their driveway, and my sister. Both of them hate the noise, as do I, as now I hear this weird ringing whirring sound every time they come or go, it seems like it rings my ears! Obnoxious and unnecessary, we need to cut down on noise pollution, not add to it. Please remove these back up noises!

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Here is a video explaining the 2020 Rav4 pedestrian warning sound device and location. https://youtu.be/CPw4Aqctz1c

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I test drove a 2020 Audi Q5. Glad I did. Same issue! Did not buy the car because of it.

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Hey @Alex, Seems that the amazon listing no longer exists. How many wats was And what’s the % of the resister you used? I see many different types while searching for 4 ohm resistor. Many thanks!

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@Love: From Alex's old Amazon link, I found this: uxcell 4 Ohm Resistors 20W 5% Cement Resistor. Do a Google search for it. My wife just got the new Rav4 hybrid, so we are dealing with the horrible sound also. Please let me know how you connect the resister.

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@alex thanks for the help, the 4 ohm is the way to go, worked perfectly on my 2020 highlander hybrid I ended up using a pig tail connector from a Hyundai horn adapter. It isn’t a perfect fit I had to shave some material off the sides and trim the length of it but it got the job done

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Thanks to @alex and @jessie I finally fixed my Highlander’s noise. So here’s what I bought 1. Resistor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076W8CW9W? ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share 2. Car horn https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075MVP6MK? ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I had to cut the adapter a bit so that it fits into my highlanders one, but that was a piece of cake. Everything looks pretty and there’s just silence now :) and also I can always put that thing back if need be by unplugging the resistor.

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Just got a 2020 RAV4 XLE HYBRID, I don't mind the reverse noise but I do mind the decelerating noise. Is it the motor or transmission?

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Have owned our2020 Limited Rav4 Hybrid since early Dec,2019... still makes the loud whine in reverse and a quieter one in forward only noticed forward one rarely. NOW we have a LOUD rattle passenger area front ,sounds like something rattling in the wind when going 40+mph..anyone know what that might be?


You bought a rav4. What did you expect? Sorry, but you may have thought you were buying a quality vehicle. They're just as crappy as any other brand; just more expensive.

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Thanks a bunch ?Guru?9461SF.... thought I might get an answer to this puzzling problem, not a smart**** answer

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I bought a RAV4 hybrid and love everything about it except for that loud noise that just started last Thursday after my first 5000 mile maintenance. I took it back in and they all said it was a normal sound made for the hybrid as everyone above has shared. I wonder why it is just now making the sound.


Is it possible to swap the offending speaker with one from another hybrid or EV manufacturer? I don't recall Leafs being this annoying.

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I have 20,000 miles on my RAV4 2019 and it still makes the annoying noise when in reverse only. It does not quit!! People stare at my car and have asked me what is wrong with it!! Ugh!!

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Just bought a 2021 RAV4 XLE Hybrid 2 days ago. Glad to read these answers. It makes that noise only in reverse as well. Makes me think of an alien spacecraft noise! Looks like I'll have to just live with it!

Same Issue: Steps: 1)See https://www.toyoheadquarters.com/threads/2019-2020-toyota-rav4-and-rav4-hybrid- front-brake-squeal-noise-t-tt-0623-20.2074/ 2)Create TSA report https://www.nhtsa.gov/report-a-safety-problem#index

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444 Great Deals out of 9,243 listings starting at $1,990
Used Toyota Camry
1,841 Great Deals out of 36,551 listings starting at $900
Used Toyota Highlander
1,421 Great Deals out of 15,382 listings starting at $1,381
Used Lexus RX Hybrid
128 Great Deals out of 3,981 listings starting at $1,800
Used Lexus NX Hybrid
53 Great Deals out of 2,178 listings starting at $15,982
Used Toyota Tacoma
2,316 Great Deals out of 51,234 listings starting at $4,500
Used Toyota 4Runner
1,172 Great Deals out of 13,440 listings starting at $1,200

Used Cars For Sale

2024 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid XLE AWD For Sale
5 Great Deals out of 2,527 listings starting at $32,809
2023 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid XLE AWD For Sale
3 Great Deals out of 111 listings starting at $30,500
2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid XLE AWD For Sale
17 Great Deals out of 232 listings starting at $20,995
2021 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid XLE AWD For Sale
32 Great Deals out of 394 listings starting at $21,000
2020 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid XLE AWD For Sale
11 Great Deals out of 161 listings starting at $18,000

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