Odometer and info on dash has gone blank

Asked by Gwhip27 Mar 28, 2019 at 10:38 AM about the 2014 Chevrolet Traverse 1LT AWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My 2014 Traverse odometer and info screen has
gone blank. Fuses are fine. It will come on after car
sits for a few days but when car is shut off and
restarted the screen is blank again. Can't see
anything that would be displayed. I can still.see the
warning indicators for oil etc but not the odometer
, what gear car is in etc.  As you can see in picture,
the screen is blank above the seatbelt indicator.

47 Answers


Anyone find an answer for this my 2015 traverse is doing the same thing

85 people found this helpful.

Is it possible it only comes on at night? Meaning its related to the sensor circuit. Does the interior light come one when you open the door?

35 people found this helpful.

So on our 2011 Traverse the display works at night with when the headlights are on but not during the day. If we cover the light sensor on the dash during the day after a few seconds the headlights, and odometer come on. It will stay on until we uncover the sensor and then goes out when the headlights go out. I am sure it has something to do with the control module that changes the brightness of the dash lights from day to night. Does anyone know the fix please.

86 people found this helpful.

This seems to a huge issues, surely someone out there has a reasonable, knowledgeable, standard answer. What I know so are: 1. If you display lights at night then you know your main display is OK 2. If your headlights do come on (not daytime driving lights) then the sensor is working fine 3. Bang your dash with your hand near the display and if it comes on however briefly, you have a connection problem at the display.

29 people found this helpful.

I'm taking my 2010 to the shop Thursdayto hopefully get some answers on this. The mechanic I talked to today says it isnt a common problem...so he doesn't know yet.

17 people found this helpful.

Anyone find an answer for this my 2010 traverse is doing the same thing after i replaced the battery

27 people found this helpful.

Samsss, Its like this issue goes into a black hole. I was hoping Thailynn would let us know what his issue turned out to be. To be clear: The Display is not dead. Is is super low brightness. At night mine comes back up perfectly, its only when it transitions to day does it go dark instead of bright.

31 people found this helpful.

Hello, same happened to my 2012 traverse! however in my car it comes and goes with no reason at night and day no matter!

70 people found this helpful.

My 2015 Traverse LTZ AWD does the same thing... It took a while reading the owners manual to figure out the technical name for the stupid little screen. It's called the Driver Information Center... Mine works perfectly fine at night but it's very very hard to see during the day.

86 people found this helpful.

Quick update: As my headlight switch seems to have the tabs broken and keeps falling in, I will replace this and see if it helps. Do they use this DIC in any other brand of GN vehicles like the trucks or other SUV's? Thialynn: Can you get beck to us on what to solution was that actually fixed yours?

17 people found this helpful.

Hello All I think I might have figured out the problem in my 2009 traverse I had the black sensor covered with a hat on my dash I took it off and my lights went bright and when I covered it to see if that would solve the problem it went dark again. Possibly you have something on your dash that is covering it?

25 people found this helpful.

I wish this were the case Guru, If I cover the sensor I get the DIC display back again. Night times are OK, its only daytime the DIC dies. If I put a cover over it, headlights etc go to nighttime mode (full on),

17 people found this helpful.

Thialynn ... Did f you ever get an answer when you took your in?

8 people found this helpful.

HI iwas have same problem and i fixed it, first cover the sensor to turn the DIC display back again after. Resetting to the factory setting and it will work

48 people found this helpful.

Resetting what to factory specs Guru? Are you able to be a bit more specific?

20 people found this helpful.

You have to factory reset it, on the DIC display- its the same way you would restart the oil change their is an option for you to do as factory reset and mine has been working since then!

46 people found this helpful.

Hey the suggestion from Guru worked. While you have the sensor covered to make the DIC work Push the button with the check boxes until you get to the “reset to factory” option. Once you rest remove the cover from the sensor and when the lights go off the DIC will Stay on.

56 people found this helpful.

Just had this issue in my 2015 traverse the past two weeks. So my issue happened because I let my car sit outside in the direct sunlight and the light sensor got hot. Once I moved the car out of the direct sun...in my case...and it cooled down, I didnt have this issue until the next day. So, If I'm having to park in direct light, I cover my dash sensor with a piece of reflective material, sort of like what windshield covers are made out of. It keeps the light and most of the heat off the sensor. Haven't had the problem since. Hope that helps someone else

34 people found this helpful.

Hi Lucypibble, Sadly it is not so with most. In your case changing out the sensor is a cheap and quick fix if you do it yourself. Most of us simply have a dark DIC during the day, but it turns on fine when its dark, even at -40 outside. I will try the fix suggested by GURU next. The Traverse has now sat for weeks but its snowing again so maybe I will get to try the fix next week.

9 people found this helpful.

Mine bc sits in a parking garage while I’m at work at night and still shuts off during the day. I tried the factory reset just now so I’ll check in the morning and let y’all know. I really hope this works bc I hate not having it!!

6 people found this helpful.

Sorry Guru, “reset to factory” this DID work for about 2 seconds then dimmed right down to near invisible in daylight again.

7 people found this helpful.

I had to delete my post, it worked for a few seconds as well then went dim as I was driving.

5 people found this helpful.

My 2011 Traverse is also doing this and it can't be anything that has to do with night and day, because mine worked all the time, then a couple weeks ago I started the car and it was working then, I got on the highway set the cruise control and looked at the display screen to see exactly how fast i set it to, and the display screen was completely blank. I know for a fact that it is only a 5 minute drive from my house to the highway and it was 2:30 in the afternoon so i know it should work during the day also. Plus at night sometimes it still won't work and that is the time it drives me crazy the most. The sensor only dims and brightens the lights it shouldn't make the display screen go completely blank especially if all other lights are still there it doesn't seem logical, but who know I could be wrong.

17 people found this helpful.

Just smacked it and it brightened back up to normal. Try this for a temporary fix?

18 people found this helpful.

Purchased a used cluster from a wrecking yard fixed the problem on 2010 traverse

10 people found this helpful.

The same issue Traverse 2012, during the day in bright sunlight it goes almost blank, but in the night or shade it i ok, also sometimes when I smack above the dash it works for sometime and then goes back dark

6 people found this helpful.

Just took our 2015 Traverse in for the same issue. They said it is the cluster and need to replace the entire instrument panel. Ugh

9 people found this helpful.

Heather, get one from pick-a-part or some other used parts wrecker. Its reasonably easy to install.

4 people found this helpful.

If your driving an Lt model its probably the photocell light sensor. Note there are two kinds one that just detects light 2 wire and another that 4 wires. The 4 wire ones are the ones having issues as they have a light side circuit. You can find them for about $25 easy to install. Pop off driver side front window trim. One screw under airbag cap. Pop up upper dash section. Twist remove sensor and replace.

33 people found this helpful.

Ok so... This just happened with my 2017 Traverse.Every thing went dim,and the dome lights wont turn off... Please Help

5 people found this helpful.

So I had this same issue and my mechanic says it is probably because of my aftermarket LED headlights I put in. I'm purchasing a new set of normal headlights to swap and see if that fixes it. I will update thread when I find out.

6 people found this helpful.

I, too, have this problem. I have a 2013 Traverse LTZ. I tried the tips people gave here and in other forums: 1. Reset settings to Factory Defaults. 2. Unplug battery for 10 minutes and plug back in. 3. Replace ambient light sensor on the dash. 4. Open up the instrument cluster and look for bad solders or lose components. None of these fixed it. I went ahead and got a second-hand instrument panel for 2009-2013 Traverses. I took out the old one. GM Part Number 229-71864. I put in replacement one. GM Part Number 209-07547. The new one doesn't have this issue with the DIC (driver information center). Unfortunately, the mileage is way higher than my actual mileage on the vehicle. I contacted my closest Chevy dealer and they said that they can't and don't program mileage on to a replacement instrument cluster. I'd have to buy one from them at $450 + $250 in labor. They order it from the manufacturer with the specific mileage I need. I'm going to contact other dealers and try to find someone who has the right equipment and can hack it, so that I can use the replacement cluster. I've been trying to find out which part number is the bad one that people have that has this problem. I can say that part number 229-71864 could be the one with this problem or could be one of the part numbers that has this problem. Part number 209-07547 does not have this problem, right now, but could it be one of the ones that could have this problem? I don't know yet. Hopefully, this info helps others with this problem.

14 people found this helpful.

Update: I bought a used one on eBay from a 2012 Traverse with the Odometer reading about the same as what my vehicle is at now. Part Number 22818841. Put it in today. It works. No more issue with the DIC. So, if you want to resolve this issue, look on eBay and you should be able to find a replacement from around $75-$100 plus tax and shipping. Good luck!

14 people found this helpful.

I just did the below suggestion on my 2015 Traverse and it worked.... Thank so much. I have had this issues for a couple years and Noone seem.to know why.. I am so grateful for your help!!!! Hey the suggestion from Guru worked. While you have the sensor covered to make the DIC work Push the button with the check boxes until you get to the “reset to factory” option. Once you rest remove the cover from the sensor and when the lights go off the DIC will Stay on.

8 people found this helpful.

2015 hear with the same issue. hope to use Guru's steps to take care of mine. Hot car seems to have started my issue as well.

5 people found this helpful.

Checkout http://www.chevyspeedo.com/. Our DIC was not lighting up and we tried several of the suggestions above. I found this video on YouTube on how to remove the DIC/Instrument Panel and took it to the guy in Owensboro, KY. He was able to fix it for $100 as he is local to us.

4 people found this helpful.

Look Here https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/Discussion-t17828_ds549663 and Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uYo1dfHK_s

5 people found this helpful.

Turned out it was the DIC itself. Went to a wrecker and got another for $35. Worked first time and mileage is very close. Anyone know how to get a new DIC to talk to the computer so the MPG etc works. Basic mileage etc works OK

4 people found this helpful.

It’s the instrument cluster. Had my 2016 Chevy traverse LTZ diagnosed and it was definitely the instrument cluster everything else was well lit except the odometer it was very dim and hard to see

2 people found this helpful.

2015 Traverse LS with the same DIC issue - OK when starting in the garage, goes away after a block or two outside. Mechanic said $1200 for a new cluster. I read Narerex13's post and decided it was an easy thing to try. $15.99 for the two wire sensor. 30 minutes total (didn't need to fully remove the panel). Working fine now. If it fails in the next few days I'll update my answer, but right now I'm thankful for this thread as it looks like it saved me a heap of money.

2 people found this helpful.

I fixed mine, by changing a fuse! the fuse for brake lights was burned, switched it out for new one and the dash info turned back on. hope everyone else can fix theirs as easy.(:

3 people found this helpful.

I don't know if this will work for every one but...try the dome light/dash light adjustment on the left hand side of the dash. Push it in and it will pop out. Turn it back and forth a few times to see if that fixes the problem.Just do it with the door closed and be sure not to leave the dome light on.

1 people found this helpful.

Just fix the problem putting a electrical tape or a black tape on the sendor

3 people found this helpful.

,,,,this is what I found. Dic not working,cover your light sensor in top of dash If you can see your dash light for functions or you may have to do this a night if you work during day,.not everyone may have same problem,,do a factory reset once your functions work ,2015 chy trvrs.

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