2014 Chrysler Town and Country. Passenger side sliding door
57 Answers
defective harness assembly
Mine is doing the same thing. Have you tried the harness assembly yet?
The exact thing is happening in our 2014 Chrysler Town and country. Did the harness assembly fix the problem?
Morning Playlist answered 6 years ago
Same thing is happening to our 2014 Town and Country. Anyone have any luck finding a resolution?
I have the exact same problem! It started bout year and half ago, but didn't happen when it was hot then. I lubed everything up and that kept it at bay until this summer, happened when it was 85+ and sunny. same question..anyone solve this issue?? Thanks, Brian
Stephanie47660 answered 5 years ago
Has anyone found a resolution for this issue? I’m having exactly the same trouble with my 2015 town and country. Now it’s doing it if I hit a bump while I’m driving, too.
Same issue for mine as well. It is also doing it while driving.
Has anyone found a resolution to this issue?
Morning Playlist answered 5 years ago
I wish. Mine is still doing it mas getting worse. We just push at the back of the door as it closes. Most times that helps, other times not so much.
PAProblems answered 5 years ago
Still waiting on an answer on this. Anyone? Mechanic says door lock actuator but I don't think that's it as it will close when not hot.
aaardappel answered 5 years ago
Ours has been doing the same thing for years! Only when the sun is beating down on it. Now when it it sits in the sun on that side only it will start up and actually set of our alarm. When I disarm it the door is shifting back and forth making that noise until I push on it. This only on one side and in the heat and sun.
Morning Playlist answered 5 years ago
Same happens with ours, aaardappel. Sometimes now though, the door doesn’t fully close. I can look back and see a small gap in the door where I can see outdoors and can hear air flow as I’m driving. It’s like having a window cracked.
How is this not a recall? We all have the same exact problem
Morning Playlist answered 5 years ago
I’ve called in to Mopar/Chrysler before and they indicated that not enough people seem to have the same problem so it’s not a recall issue. ♀️
Same issue here on our 2014 T&C ...we live in Texas so I hadn’t made the heat connection, but it is getting to be every bump we hit - would love to hear what has worked &/or not worked?!!
Tried cleaning all the door contacts/latches and spraying them within WD40. Seems to help a little. Still does it but not as frequent as before.
My 2014 is doing the same thing on the driver side.
I don’t know how they can’t consider this an issue for a recall
We are having the same exact problem! 2014 T & C; passenger side automatic door; only when it is hot and the sun is bearing down. This is crazy - hoping/praying for a fix here.
Morning Playlist answered 5 years ago
This was the response I received when I made contact with Chrysler: “Thank you for contacting the FCA Customer Assistance Center. I'm so sorry to learn the driver's side door doesn't latch properly when it's hot outside, I certainly understand how frustrating that would be. I would suggest taking the vehicle to your preferred Chrysler dealership to have them run a diagnosis to determine the cause, and fix the vehicle. I do want you to be aware the warranty for this component did expire after 3 years or 36,000 miles of the in-service date which was 05/23/2014 so it will be an out of pocket expense. Thank you again for your email. Should you require additional assistance, or have any new information to provide, please reply to this email message or call 1-800-247-9753.”
Wow he sure helped a lot! . We replaced the Actuator on our 2001 Chrysler T&C ( has 130,000 miles) and it did not fix the problem on our back sliding glass door. Our door doesn’t go shut anytime hot or cold outside.
anyone know the part number of the harness assembly so i can order it ?
Has anyone found a fix?? Mine is doing this but didnt start until we replace the locking mechanism.
This same thing is happening to our 2014 passenger side door and has been happening for a couple years. Each summer it gets worse. In the winter we have absolutely no problems since we are in MN. We just give the back of the door a hit (but it has to be timed correctly in between it trying to latch) ugh. I make the kids leave the door open in the summer when it is in the garage because we have had it start acting up even when the vehicle is off and has not been used if it is too hot. I don't want to come back and the battery is worn out from it trying to latch over and over. HELP!
Morning Playlist answered 4 years ago
Ours recently started trying to latch when the vehicle is off as well. It just jerks and makes noise until we discover it and push on it. It’s super frustrating. No help and no changes, unfortunately.
My 2014 is doing the same thing! Only in the summer, and only on the passenger side. Sounds like there are enough people to make this a recall! It's crazy that this hasn't gone anywhere yet.
My 2014 is also doing the same thing. It does it all year round since I live in Florida, but has been really bad lately since it is so hot. It does it while driving even after we have forced it closed on the backside of the door. If anyone has had success fixing this, please share what the solution was.
Morning Playlist answered 4 years ago
I’m planning to submit a vehicle safety claim with NHTSA in hopes that this will force MOPAR to look at the issue. If we all submit, maybe they’ll even try to consider it a recall. https://www- odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/VehicleComplaint/
TXCarGuruMember answered 4 years ago
We have been having the same issue for years. Because of the issue with the alarm going off on hot days, we leave the vehicle unlocked. This is pathetic they haven’t issued a fix for this!
just chiming in as I'm having the exact same issue, 2014 T&C driver side sliding door. Ugh, it's so frustrating and can be a real danger In my opinion. I'm going to submit a complaint too.
My 2014 Town &.Country doors are doing the exact thing., not closing properly and when you hit a but in the road the inside lights come on and the slide door indicator icon come on and makes a dinging sound for about 10 to 15 minutes
Ours has literally been going for 20 minutes after several attempts to push the door in to stop it from trying to latch.
WishIHadDiagrams answered 4 years ago
I’ve replaced the wire harness, no joy. I even tore the door apart and replaced the latch actuator motor and assembly pieces with negative results. I’m trying to Lacoste the door ajar sensor and start there. I hope the sensor is not built into the door motor assembly located under the floor...
Hello Where i can buy harness assembly ? i didn't found online
WishIHadDiagrams answered 4 years ago
I used moparpartsgiant.com with the following part number: 68163765AA. Definitely look up your model and van features to get the right one. If anyone figures out where the actual door ajar sensor is, please let me know
Morning Playlist answered 4 years ago
I submitted a complaint to the NHTSA and noticed that some others have submitted in years past. Maybe if we get enough people to submit a complaint in a given time period, they’ll actually investigate and look into it. Maybe...hopefully...
CrapVanOwner answered 4 years ago
Would also like to know a fix for this. Same thing is happening. Driver side rear sliding door keeps trying to actuate close, making it pop in and out. Sometimes when I hit a bump the door ajar light comes on. I submitted a complaint as well.
Guru94JQWB answered 4 years ago
I’m having the same issue with my 2014 Town & Country on the drivers side. It’s tries to shut but not completely. If anyone knows of a fix please let me know. You would think with this many complaints there would be a recall.
Aaah!! Yes. Same here. This has been going on for years and the dealer cannot duplicate the problem so they say there is nothing wrong. It started with the center console ceiling light for driver’s side passenger door flickering. Then the door would act up and the motor would engage periodically. Now it is almost an expectation when we operate the door for it to not close properly and the motor to engage repeatedly without effect. It happens mostly after use, but has happened while driving a few times. And recently happened when the car wasn’t even on. I’m so glad I found this string if comments. Im not crazy!!! I will definitely be following up with the dealer AGAIN and then Mopar if needed and National dispute center. This is ridiculous
NeverBuyChrysler answered 4 years ago
We've had this same problem with our 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan. We bought it brand new in the winter of 2016 and discovered the problem that summer. We took it in multiple times but the problem was never fixed. (I'm also fairly certain this problem killed our battery this past summer.) Now we've taken it to a new Chrysler dealership and they've had our Caravan for a week trying to fix the problem. After replacing the latch and module with no success, they are now going to replace the wire harness. PLEASE REPORT YOUR PROBLEM TO THE NHTSA. Chrysler clearly isn't listening.
Guru9B7RLV answered 3 years ago
My local dealer recommended replacing the latch assembly (including the cinch actuator). The estimate was $,1618. I asked them why it only happens in warm weather and they had no answer. I am not sure this will fix the problem based on the comments people have left on this website and the NHTSA website. Alternatively, I may just remove the fuse for the "rear door during the summer months.
NeverBuyChrysler answered 3 years ago
Our 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan has been at a Chrysler dealership from June 7 through today, July 8, for this problem. We are hopeful to get our vehicle back today, but aren't counting on it since we've been promised multiple pick up dates that have fallen through due to the problem persisting. The Chrysler dealership has replaced latches, cinches, cables, tracks, motors, sensors, harnesses, modules, hinges... I could go on and on. They can't figure it out and here we sit without our vehicle.
Guru9L9R8D answered 3 years ago
Our 2014 T&C has the same issue. We don't use the driver's side rear door in the summer, to try to cut down on the issue, but it still happens far too often. It also rattles like crazy and I'm always afraid the lock will fail and it'll pop open in the middle of the highway. I was so excited to find this thread, hoping I'd finally get an answer on what's going on and how to fix it, but it seems nobody has any answers.
This has been an ongoing issue for us and now the passenger sliding door on the 2014 Chrysler T&C is opening on its own after the car has been turned off and we have walked away. This is obviously going to leave me subject to theft. Enough is Enough. I am going to find a way to cut power to the passenger sliding door only in hopes that when it can only operate manually the door will be fine. This is our only issue with the van but it is a super- annoying one to say the least.
Minivanmomma23 answered 2 years ago
Hello. Did anyone find a resolution to our problems with the sliders? I just sent an email to corporate asking for a resolution and respectfully requesting they not send a generic “take it to your dealer” response. Let me know. It’s starting to get warm in the northeast and my slider is starting to act up :,(
Morning Playlist answered 2 years ago
No resolution, unfortunately. Ours has started back up as well (we’re in SC so it’s already warm and back to being difficult).
TXCarGuruMember answered 2 years ago
To solve the problem of the Town and Country rear doors from trying to auto-close, pull fuse J3 (30A RR Door Mod) during the summer. You won’t be able to use the sliding doors anymore nor roll down the sliding door windows, but they will not try to auto-close, which as we all know causes the alarm to go off. Not a perfect solution, but it works. Keep in mind, while driving the sensor is still active so you will occasionally see the “door open” warning on the dash.
globedreamerwisco answered 2 years ago
We’ve had this same problem for the past 3-4 years, really hot days only. It’s been getting worse. Thanks for posting this solution. It’s a shame to not be able to use the automatic doors or windows, but the constant noise from the alarm while driving is worse.
globedreamerwisco answered 2 years ago
TXCarGuruMember - thank you for the fuse box solution and photos. I took that fuse out tonight. Any idea how to disable the sensor? I don’t mind the “door ajar” light showing up on the dash, but the incessant and loud dinging sound over and over drives me mad and is such a distraction while driving.
localboy808 answered 2 years ago
2014 30th grand caravan driver side sliding door does not cinch / close properly. Replaced the wire harness and actuator motor with no resolve . Just noticed the cinch motor activates randomly when the door is shut while sitting in carport ? I did notice a click under the driver side dash before the cinch motor does activate ? any ideas?
Has anyone solved this issue? I have the same exact problem on my 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan passenger door when its hot out. I am afraid to even go to a garage or Dealer and have them replace a ton of parts and not fix the issue. It will be all out of pocket for me.
GuruDTNP2F answered 8 months ago
Just called Chrysler - issue not covered even though it was brought back several times under warranty. No recalls or tech bulletins. Said the dealership would have to submit paperwork for it to be covered,
Same issue for me as well. Drivers side sliding door. Has been happening for years when its warm outside only. Latest issue is that it will make that sound while driving instead of only when you try to close the door. Open door light illuminates on dashboard while this is happening.
globedreamerwisco answered 6 months ago
After years of this happening, and only getting worse, it got to the point where I absolutely could not stand driving it due to the distracting dash chime. Just recently had the “cinching device” replaced. $1500 with labor :( But it did solve it. Wish I could have done it myself, but just didn’t have the tools or know-how. I do trust our shop - this is the most expensive fix we’ve ever had - but it was worth it. I can finally focus on driving again instead of pulling my hair out.
GuruDVFRM5 answered 6 months ago
We Figured out the issue at Wrench Monkeys Automotive in Hernando florida, bring all your chrysler town and countrys and dodge grand caravans, we got you.